yay! i noticed that today, too! i wonder what happened... derek has photoshop cs. i'm gonna check out your file. he was workin on my mac-e-poo all day. i could email you the pic files you need if i find the ones you need. how's shadow? monterey sounded nice. did you get the day off? um what else. oh. don't forget to turn the heat down lower when you leave for worky work. talk to ya later gater.
so it looks like the next few months will be an experiment in homelessness. le tigre came by today and helped me get most of my worldly posessions into storage. my computer is now sitting on a cardboard box, with my keyboard on another box and my mouse on a third smaller box. when I move out completely I'm going to be taking the computer... Read More
we're planning on bringing teacake with us so he can help pick out the new puppy generally speaking he loves other dogs - he only doesn't like big mean ones, and that's only after he tries to make friends and fails.
it's 4:25 a.m. I was jolted out of bed this morning about a 45 minutes ago by several loud explosions. I was sleeping in my loft bed, because my uncle and my great aunt are spending the night here. now, anyone who has seen that loft bed knows that it's really hard to get in and out of because it's so close to the ceiling.... Read More
picture of my hot date's ass.....
i guess it went well?