so it looks like the next few months will be an experiment in homelessness. le tigre came by today and helped me get most of my worldly posessions into storage. my computer is now sitting on a cardboard box, with my keyboard on another box and my mouse on a third smaller box. when I move out completely I'm going to be taking the computer to work and hooking it up to the network in my office until I have a permanent residence again. this means I'll probably not be on sg very much, I need to figure out how much they will be monitoring that sort of thing, if at all. I'm going to be staying at a coworker's place for a while, in her camper trailer. I don't think it has heat though so once it gets cold I'll stay at friend's places. hopefully it won't be for too long, though. my boss will be buying me a condo that I will rent from him for cheap, but he hasn't bought it yet so in the meantime I will be living all over.
oh, for those who don't know why I'm leaving...I've been taking care of my grandmother for the past 4 years. just recently it has been decided that she needs 24 hour care now. my uncle took her up to sacramento, and she will be in a nursing home. the family was quick to put her house up for sale, and I've been packing frantically for days. I move out completely next thursday. there is more to the story, of course, involving my uncle being a total evil asshole, but I don't feel like writing about it anymore.

oh, for those who don't know why I'm leaving...I've been taking care of my grandmother for the past 4 years. just recently it has been decided that she needs 24 hour care now. my uncle took her up to sacramento, and she will be in a nursing home. the family was quick to put her house up for sale, and I've been packing frantically for days. I move out completely next thursday. there is more to the story, of course, involving my uncle being a total evil asshole, but I don't feel like writing about it anymore.
I think we both want a foster frog. In fact the frog may have three parents. I know that its unconventional but it'll get just that much more love!