it's 4:25 a.m. I was jolted out of bed this morning about a 45 minutes ago by several loud explosions. I was sleeping in my loft bed, because my uncle and my great aunt are spending the night here. now, anyone who has seen that loft bed knows that it's really hard to get in and out of because it's so close to the ceiling. but I was out of there in about 2 seconds flat. I ran to the window and saw that the house directly behind ours was engulfed in flames. there is a dry tree that practically touches both their roof and ours. holy. shit. I ran around the house and woke everybody up, then threw some clothes on, grabbed my purse with my camera, unplugged my computer and threw it by the door, grabbed the cat carrier from out side. and then ran around the house screaming, "where's the cat! where the fuck is the cat!" finally found him under grandma's bed and threw him in the carrier. threw purse, computer and carrier in my car. the great aunt jumped in her car with grandma and drove off, I was about to do the same, but meanwhile, my uncle was behind the house with the hose spraying down the tree, the roof, the sheds, and into the windows of the other house, which had blown out. the firefighters had just arrived, and the fire was just about out. we didn't need to leave. neighbors had started to accumulate and were wondering what the hell was going on, and I told them what I had seen. the manager came by and I told him too, and he said that the woman living there had several oxygen tanks, which was probably why we heard the explosions. I'll edit this post to add some pictures I took.

p.s. thanks so much for photochopping me a tooth. i had the perfect blowjob mouth going there & you went and ruined it!

crazy. glad everyone is OK.