Ok, so I know I haven't updated about the Exodus/Megadeth show yet...I will eventually, I swear!! I did get Gary Holt of Exodus' pick and Glen Drover of Megadeth's pick though, I'm definitely happy about that. Was on the guardrail the entire gig on the right-hand side (for those who know Megadeth, smack dab in between Dave Mustaine and Glen Drover). A bit tight at times, still have some bruises due to being squished against the guardrail/not being able to breathe for over 3 minutes at times, lol, but it was still a hell of a lot of fun. Second time for Exodus, first for Megadeth...and hopefully won't be the last!!!
So, I'm glad my shit regarding school is finally looking up. No failing grades this semester; here's hoping that I get re-admitted into the Business program. Thanksgiving is soon, and unfortunately Christmas. I love the holiday season, don't get me wrong, but sometimes the whole gift thing can be more trouble than its worth, but it's always a good thing in the end.
I received an instant message from a former bandmate of my Death Metal band, and we're going to jam out this coming Wednesday. Should be a lot of fun; we've always clicked very well on a mental and musical level. I can't wait for this, I've been wanting to get together with the former members for a while now. The old band disbanded due to everyone's personal lives being kind of hectic leaving not much time or money to go towards the band, and also the guitarist having to move back to West Virginia didn't help out the situation much. But on a lighter note, we are planning to get together this summer and record all our material...spent a good three or four years on that stuff, and it was good..it deserves to be recorded properly, even if for our own enjoyment only.
I'll be attending the Metal Church show in Clifton, NJ on Monday the 22nd at Dingbatz on Van Houten Ave. Will be a lot of fun; first time they've made it this close in at least ten years. If anyone happens to attend, come up and say hi, I'll probably be wearing an OverKill shirt (as usual, haha).
Take care, everyone. Be safe, and have a good night.
So, I'm glad my shit regarding school is finally looking up. No failing grades this semester; here's hoping that I get re-admitted into the Business program. Thanksgiving is soon, and unfortunately Christmas. I love the holiday season, don't get me wrong, but sometimes the whole gift thing can be more trouble than its worth, but it's always a good thing in the end.
I received an instant message from a former bandmate of my Death Metal band, and we're going to jam out this coming Wednesday. Should be a lot of fun; we've always clicked very well on a mental and musical level. I can't wait for this, I've been wanting to get together with the former members for a while now. The old band disbanded due to everyone's personal lives being kind of hectic leaving not much time or money to go towards the band, and also the guitarist having to move back to West Virginia didn't help out the situation much. But on a lighter note, we are planning to get together this summer and record all our material...spent a good three or four years on that stuff, and it was good..it deserves to be recorded properly, even if for our own enjoyment only.
I'll be attending the Metal Church show in Clifton, NJ on Monday the 22nd at Dingbatz on Van Houten Ave. Will be a lot of fun; first time they've made it this close in at least ten years. If anyone happens to attend, come up and say hi, I'll probably be wearing an OverKill shirt (as usual, haha).
Take care, everyone. Be safe, and have a good night.

Thanx for welcoming me !

happy thanks giving!!!