Well, as a few of you already know, I am leaving SG because I am hardly ever here and it just is a waste of money for me at this point in time. My membership expires in July, so I'll be around until then. If anyone would like to stay in contact with me, feel free to send me an e-mail: nile_catacombs@hotmail.com or an AOL...
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Happy 2006!!! 

In less than twelve hours, I'll be on the road heading for Virginia for the first of seven OverKill shows I'll be attending. This weekend, I'll be hitting up VA, MD, and Poughkeepsie. If anyone will be there, come up and say hi!
How were all the overkill shows? The tour over now I take it?

So, here's the review for the Motorhead show on 3/9/05 that I've been procrastinating doing. My bud Virginia met me in South Amboy and picked me up and brought me to the Starland Ballroom. She called her bud who works the load-in and load-out and he put us on the guestlist, so we got in for free!! Once inside, we met up with our bud...
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I haven't seen a live show in ages...
but... on a happier note..thank you for the sweet words on my new set

but... on a happier note..thank you for the sweet words on my new set

I'll be attending the Motorhead, Corrosion Of Conformity, and Zeke show this Wednesday, March 9th at the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, NJ. If anyone is planning to attend, come up and say hi! I'll be donning a sleeveless OverKill Wrecking Your Head 1987 tour shirt, blue jeans, and black and white Chuck Taylors. Hope to meet some of ya!
i went to the show on sat it kicked ass!! ok well see ya later
Thanks a lot, Im really glad you like it. I hope I can do a kind of metal one some time too

So yes, I know I'm insane, and I'm going to die afterwards, but these are my upcoming plans. First of all, new Judas Priest this coming Tuesday, "Angel Of Retribution," and on March 23rd is OverKill's "ReliXIV." So in the next two months, I'm going to 9 shows, most of which are in the span of three weeks. Here are the dates:
3/9 Motorhead Starland...
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3/9 Motorhead Starland...
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The 6th of May they play in a small club in Belgium. Gonna see'em there.
Fucking hell! Id love to see 9 overkill shows, that sounds amazing! Yeah Death are amazing, Im wearing my shirt too! I wish i had gotten to see them
You have the best taste in music, im glad to find other Death fans
hope you survive all the shows!

Paul Baloff Remembered: A Tribute To The Fallen Exodus Frontman RIP 1960-2002
By Edward "Ace" Annese, RealityCheck TV
Thursday, February 7, 2002 @ 12:16 AM
Members Of Metallica, Testament, Death, Anthrax And Slipknot Share Memories & Thoughts In Tribute To Fallen Exodus Frontman Paul Baloff
Paul Baloff was perhaps one of the unlikeliest frontmen in thrash metal. Looking like a cross between the Tazmanian Devil...
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By Edward "Ace" Annese, RealityCheck TV
Thursday, February 7, 2002 @ 12:16 AM
Members Of Metallica, Testament, Death, Anthrax And Slipknot Share Memories & Thoughts In Tribute To Fallen Exodus Frontman Paul Baloff
Paul Baloff was perhaps one of the unlikeliest frontmen in thrash metal. Looking like a cross between the Tazmanian Devil...
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I wish I could've been there; just listened to Another Lesson... the other day. (best representation of their heaviness!) Can't wait to hear what the new guy sounds like.
"Heavy must stay together! All others must die!!!"
"Heavy must stay together! All others must die!!!"
i got an email. and said yes! they are all awesome guys!!!
i had lots of fun. thanks for checkin it out!
i had lots of fun. thanks for checkin it out!
Seeing Bent Brother tonight at the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, NJ (http://www.starlandballroom.com). BB is Twisted Sister without any makeup, but playing the same songs. If anyone decides to attend, I'll be wearing that vest that's in my pics and an OverKill Taking Over shirt, so come up and say hi!
oh fuck man! next time u go to a show let me know. the last show i saw was megadeath.
how was the show?
how was the show?
Okay, I know the last time I updated was during Dimebag's death...and a hell of a lot has happened since then. I obviously finished my semester, still waiting for two of my five grades. I received two B's and a D (border-line C); not too too bad, so far the GPA is a 2.333 for the semester, and has boosted my overall to 1.923.
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Wow, that is fucking sweet news that you get to become a manager of a new store in which you will love. I wish I had some garanteed employeement like that. You really did rack up this X-mas. awesome deal.
Glad that you are doing okay.
Glad that you are doing okay.
seems like everythings goin' right in your world. Congratulations on the new job

R.I.P. Dimebag/Diamond Darrell Abbott, you are sorely, sorely missed. You were one of the sole reasons I'm as heavily into Metal as I am. Rest In Peace bro, thank you for everything you've ever done for me. You've gotten me through some very hard times, and been there to rock out during the best of times. So sad you had to go this way..I...
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R.I.P. Dimebag/Diamond Darrell Abbott, you are sorely, sorely missed. You were one of the sole reasons I'm as heavily into Metal as I am. Rest In Peace bro, thank you for everything you've ever done for me. You've gotten me through some very hard times, and been there to rock out during the best of times. So sad you had to go this way..I...
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so... which one is it? the Christmas Song or.... what was the other? either way.... its the chipmunks. rokk on!!
me, i want a hulahoop!!!
me, i want a hulahoop!!!

Christmas was pretty good. I visited my grandparents, got a cd player and some money+ some Van Halen remasters (Fair Warning has always been my favorite) etc....standard stuff. The best thing is that I am going to go see Morbid Angel with David Vincent! Can't fuckin' wait! I hope they play all early material, but I do like some stuff from Formulas. I missed them when they '99. (they cancelled and then rescheduled) Soulfly better not be the headliners though! When I find the "peter griffin" black metal pic I'll post it in my journal. (A kid that looks like peter from family guy on stage singing, all black metalized. It's hilarious as hell!
Time to finally update regarding the past few concerts. I'll start with the Exodus/Megadeth gig. Got to the Roseland Ballroom in NYC, stood outside for about an hour before getting in, and waited for another hour for Exodus to hit the stage. Once they did, boy were they awesome! All of the members were top-notch, even Steev Esquivel (Skinlab), the touring vocalist. His style isn't...
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I actually stayed up until about 7 am. I got three hours of sleep.
oh well. I'm all caught up on sleep now!

I've seen GWAR 3 times so far. I even met them at a signing...that was pretty amazing. My friend's boyfriend bought that shirt for her and she gave it to me. I had to cut and sew it to fit me though. And I fucking missed the Exodus/Megadeth show! I got down there and low and behold..they were sold out. I shouldn't be a dumbass and maybe buy tickets before hand.
GWAR slaves for life, I hear that.
GWAR slaves for life, I hear that.