I love/hate LA.
the weather is gorgeous. the people are beautiful. my brother made fun of my Chacos and said i needed flip flops. I spent 3 hours in the coffee shop at UCLA reading and later chatting with my cousin Laura, then met up with my brother and his boyfriend for an overpriced but fairly tasty lunch at native foods. I am about to nap to dispell some of the jetlag i feel accumulating. then off to hang out with my long lost friend Sara after her work is done and dinner with my other cousin in LA, cousin in law, and a couple friends from college! and the weather is perfect!
......hmm...I suppose I didn't get to the 'hate' part
the weather is gorgeous. the people are beautiful. my brother made fun of my Chacos and said i needed flip flops. I spent 3 hours in the coffee shop at UCLA reading and later chatting with my cousin Laura, then met up with my brother and his boyfriend for an overpriced but fairly tasty lunch at native foods. I am about to nap to dispell some of the jetlag i feel accumulating. then off to hang out with my long lost friend Sara after her work is done and dinner with my other cousin in LA, cousin in law, and a couple friends from college! and the weather is perfect!
......hmm...I suppose I didn't get to the 'hate' part

The weather in Saskatchewan is far from perfect, but I love the land. Especially northern SK, with lakes and trees.
But now I am swimming in the swill of final papers. Ergh.
Soon to be over but nonetheless brutally lame.