Grr.....Currently playing around with real estate. I opted out of the larger condo I had a deposit on since the management seemed rather sketch and it needed some work (even though the location was great, the price was low, and it would probably add 150K in value over four years). Then the negotiations I had for another place.....may have fallen through. Mostly because I don't want to get in a bidding war. Ah, foolish pride. The seller was supposed to call me back this afternon as to which offer they accepted....but it hasn't happened yet. I am trying to figure out whether that is a good or bad sign....
In the meantime, I think I'll make some espresso and continue on with Discipline and Punish.
In the meantime, I think I'll make some espresso and continue on with Discipline and Punish.
Ah, nothing like the ever-uplifting Foucault... ![wink](
indeed. since this post i've moved on to bio-power and the history of sexuality....and then was redeemed by Agamben. phew.