I love/hate LA.
the weather is gorgeous. the people are beautiful. my brother made fun of my Chacos and said i needed flip flops. I spent 3 hours in the coffee shop at UCLA reading and later chatting with my cousin Laura, then met up with my brother and his boyfriend for an overpriced but fairly tasty lunch at native foods. I am about to...
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the weather is gorgeous. the people are beautiful. my brother made fun of my Chacos and said i needed flip flops. I spent 3 hours in the coffee shop at UCLA reading and later chatting with my cousin Laura, then met up with my brother and his boyfriend for an overpriced but fairly tasty lunch at native foods. I am about to...
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Tokyo was amazing! I missed the cherry blossoms by a week (theyre going now), but the shows were great and I got to see a lot of long lost friends. One Friday night I got in and went straight to show my friend Shumpei organized at Shinjuku Loft with Assfort and Nihon nouen, then cut out early for band practice. Saturday night we played with...
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Found your post in Motorcycles, welcome to the club. I'm so sad I missed out on the Sakura. I promised my buddy in Japan I would bring my brother (his best friend) out for them this year, but my bro was too busy. Oh well, maybe next year! 

they'll be back next year! 

Grr.....Currently playing around with real estate. I opted out of the larger condo I had a deposit on since the management seemed rather sketch and it needed some work (even though the location was great, the price was low, and it would probably add 150K in value over four years). Then the negotiations I had for another place.....may have fallen through. Mostly because I don't...
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Ah, nothing like the ever-uplifting Foucault... 

indeed. since this post i've moved on to bio-power and the history of sexuality....and then was redeemed by Agamben. phew.
Och.......I think I will get this started.
I Have been thinking about doing a play by play of the email exhange i have been having a with a lovely lady in town that for some reason I am becoming less enamored with as we go along. Not really rationally, mind you, just a weird 'clicking' problem.....
But first I think I wanna sleep.
I Have been thinking about doing a play by play of the email exhange i have been having a with a lovely lady in town that for some reason I am becoming less enamored with as we go along. Not really rationally, mind you, just a weird 'clicking' problem.....
But first I think I wanna sleep.
Got your app to SG Motorcycles. Please post in MY journal a little bit about what you ride, where, how long you've been riding, etc. If you don't currently ride, say something about why you should be a member of SGMC anyway. Anything to let me know you're actually interested in SGMC will do. If you know a current SGMC member, have him/her leave me a note in my journal.
Glad you got back to me. Welcome to SGMC! Introduce yourself, and join in. I hope you get a new bike soon.
The weather in Saskatchewan is far from perfect, but I love the land. Especially northern SK, with lakes and trees.
But now I am swimming in the swill of final papers. Ergh.
Soon to be over but nonetheless brutally lame.