Hello everyone!!!!
So, new year just start and i'm terrible ill, i'm taking a fucking ton of fucking pills
te doctor says that i'm depress and have this terrible pain in my back... so i'm fucked up.
For a change, i'm thinking in getting a tatoo, i thionk a red star on my left showlder must be nice, but i'm not sure. The school begins again this week
little post this time, i fell like shit right now.
and: a pic of my perfect combo this days. (and all days hahahah)

So, new year just start and i'm terrible ill, i'm taking a fucking ton of fucking pills

For a change, i'm thinking in getting a tatoo, i thionk a red star on my left showlder must be nice, but i'm not sure. The school begins again this week

little post this time, i fell like shit right now.
and: a pic of my perfect combo this days. (and all days hahahah)

thank you