I started thinking last night...I've never been high in my entire life. Now I know it's not "good for you" but when I get stressed I resort to drinking. Maybe, just maybe, I should resort to the other "aide" to help me become more stable. Can anybody help me with this. I figure I don't wanna die without ever having tried it. I mean, I grew up with stoner friends and drunks and was asked only 1 time to try it and I refused, um, I think that might've been a mistake. Everytime I see someone with the stuff I wanna try it real bad. I personally know I'll probably never get a damn good job to where it matters what I do in life. I always change my mind on what or where I want to do something. I'm worse than a woman. Kinda like I want a long-term relationship but then I just wanna fuck girls all the time. Now it's I've always been against doing it but enjoyed watching everybody else do it. I want to try it, and soon.
Like the new pic.. but your blog concerns me....