So there's a guy who only talks to me when he has something to brag about. He im'd me today, and instead of bothering to actually carry on a decent conversation, I answered in 2 word responses til he got to the point. The conversation went something like this
him: Hi! How are u?
me: good, u? (I HATE it when people can't type out entire words--its one thing when you're texting on a phone but come on...)
him: good! how are the girls?
me: good.
him: did u have a nice new year's?
me: yep. u?
him: did u get all you wanted for Christmas?
me: yep. u?
him: wow, those are brief answers. I finally got my NikonD80 and all these lenses....
me: ah, there it is. good for you.
him: yeah, I know I was so excited!
me: are you bored?
him: yeah, I'm waiting for the wife to wake up
me: have fun with that. *signs off*
The previous conversations I've had with him have gone pretty much the same except I've actually tried to talk to him like he's my friend, and you know, tell him about what's going on in my life, but it always happens that he talks to me long enough to brag about something then all of a sudden he has to go. The last few were "Wife's pregnant!" then "it's a girl!" before that, it was "blah blah I got a 48" flat panel widescreen tv!" before that it was "we're having a housewarming party! want to come?" before that, and this is great, they had an engagement party, and I said "ooh, I should get Whitney some lingerie from...." and I sent him some lingerie site of some sort and he said "um, stick to the places where we registered."
Yeah, I have no room in my life to try to compete with the Jones' and that's all he does ever since he got married. He sometimes im's me from work to tell me he's making double time that day which is "almost $50/hr!!"
him: Hi! How are u?
me: good, u? (I HATE it when people can't type out entire words--its one thing when you're texting on a phone but come on...)
him: good! how are the girls?
me: good.
him: did u have a nice new year's?
me: yep. u?
him: did u get all you wanted for Christmas?
me: yep. u?
him: wow, those are brief answers. I finally got my NikonD80 and all these lenses....
me: ah, there it is. good for you.
him: yeah, I know I was so excited!
me: are you bored?
him: yeah, I'm waiting for the wife to wake up
me: have fun with that. *signs off*
The previous conversations I've had with him have gone pretty much the same except I've actually tried to talk to him like he's my friend, and you know, tell him about what's going on in my life, but it always happens that he talks to me long enough to brag about something then all of a sudden he has to go. The last few were "Wife's pregnant!" then "it's a girl!" before that, it was "blah blah I got a 48" flat panel widescreen tv!" before that it was "we're having a housewarming party! want to come?" before that, and this is great, they had an engagement party, and I said "ooh, I should get Whitney some lingerie from...." and I sent him some lingerie site of some sort and he said "um, stick to the places where we registered."
Yeah, I have no room in my life to try to compete with the Jones' and that's all he does ever since he got married. He sometimes im's me from work to tell me he's making double time that day which is "almost $50/hr!!"

are you talking about me, sphinx? fuck you. 

It is sickening. I just don't understand why someone would take the job if they didn't want to help people ya know? It just shows how sick this world is becoming. I have no faith in humanity. Thank you for the kind words Toki!