Eye Pokey Toki: I'm sorta... anti-swimming in bodies of water with living things in them
Eye Pokey Toki: they bite, they poop, they brush past yer leg and you don't know what it IS
Eye Pokey Toki: Thas why I love the ocean, but not to SWIM in
anaginghipster: oh, i KNOW
anaginghipster: i have to do open water swims for training
anaginghipster: and i HATE swimming in the ocean
anaginghipster: there are FUCKING SHARKS in the water
anaginghipster: and you'll be swimming along
anaginghipster: and you'll see something dark in the water
anaginghipster: but only a shadow
anaginghipster: and you can't tell what it is
anaginghipster: and your mind freaks out and thinks, "SHARK!"
anaginghipster: and then you see a seal pop it's head out of the water
anaginghipster: or a dolphin
Eye Pokey Toki: O_O
Eye Pokey Toki: that is so cool
anaginghipster: NO IT ISN"T
Eye Pokey Toki: why not?
anaginghipster: because, by then, you've shit yourself.
anaginghipster: and dolphin encounters aren't much fun when you've got a load of last night's pasta in your speedo.
hahaha this makes me laugh on the inside so much....
my ihubby can outrun you AND outshit you. >_>
Eye Pokey Toki: they bite, they poop, they brush past yer leg and you don't know what it IS
Eye Pokey Toki: Thas why I love the ocean, but not to SWIM in
anaginghipster: oh, i KNOW
anaginghipster: i have to do open water swims for training
anaginghipster: and i HATE swimming in the ocean
anaginghipster: there are FUCKING SHARKS in the water
anaginghipster: and you'll be swimming along
anaginghipster: and you'll see something dark in the water
anaginghipster: but only a shadow
anaginghipster: and you can't tell what it is
anaginghipster: and your mind freaks out and thinks, "SHARK!"
anaginghipster: and then you see a seal pop it's head out of the water
anaginghipster: or a dolphin
Eye Pokey Toki: O_O
Eye Pokey Toki: that is so cool
anaginghipster: NO IT ISN"T
Eye Pokey Toki: why not?
anaginghipster: because, by then, you've shit yourself.
anaginghipster: and dolphin encounters aren't much fun when you've got a load of last night's pasta in your speedo.
hahaha this makes me laugh on the inside so much....
my ihubby can outrun you AND outshit you. >_>