If anyone noticed the lack of posting this week and, more to the point, if anyone cared
it wasn't because of a lack of interest - in fact no that's not strictly true, it was because of a lack of interest - but that's only because I was snowboarding in Soll
Fortunately I made it back in one piece, and a relatively uninjured one at that, if I find any cool pictures (taken with teh sexy new camera of course) i'll post em later in the week.

Fortunately I made it back in one piece, and a relatively uninjured one at that, if I find any cool pictures (taken with teh sexy new camera of course) i'll post em later in the week.
Excellent news my friend. I shall confer with La Belle Lissom and will be in touch I imagine the vague plan is as follows:
Saturday AM: I get up, get ready and drive to Hinckley where I shall meet Lissom. We shall drive to Cambridge and meet you. Social activities follow. Eventually we all return home happy, socialised and keen to do it again sometime.
The End.
As I say it's a bit vague...