One of the many things I adore about other people are their "things" (no not like that! Pshaw, get your mind out of the gutter you mucky pup!), their individual peculiarities, the stupid inconsequential little trivialities that amuse or annoy them and the, often borderline OCD and anal, things they do...examples? Allow me to elucidate (I love that word
My sister, who I share a house with, is as intelligent, rational and well balanced a person as you are ever like to meet...however she simply *cannot* abide food being chopped in the "wrong" way (like carrots being chopped lengthwise as opposed to across or mushrooms being cut any way other than in quarters), nor can she stand certain foods being cooked in the same pan...she insists that it confuses the taste! Nor can she walk up a flight of stairs with gaps in if it's dark...instead she has to race up them in a blind panic as she's convinced "something" is about to grab her ankles :/
A friend of mine is firmly convinced that people and the sea should never, under *any* circumstances, have anything to do with each other...people belong on land, and the "things" in the sea belong there. Why? Mainly because of the, as he puts it, "things that should not be!" inhabiting the he sees it any environment that contains giant agile monsters more terrifying than any imagined denizen of hell is a place best avoided...and I must admit i'm inclined to agree with him on this one.
And then we get to me of course
I am irrationally terrified of cotton wool (don't ask), don't go anywhere near water, even swimming pools, for fear of shark attacks (see above
), and not only have my extensive DVD collection arranged in alphabetical order (fairly normal nerd practice that I think) but also insist that the DVDs *must* be the right way up in the cases...*ahem*.
See? Entertaining ^_^

My sister, who I share a house with, is as intelligent, rational and well balanced a person as you are ever like to meet...however she simply *cannot* abide food being chopped in the "wrong" way (like carrots being chopped lengthwise as opposed to across or mushrooms being cut any way other than in quarters), nor can she stand certain foods being cooked in the same pan...she insists that it confuses the taste! Nor can she walk up a flight of stairs with gaps in if it's dark...instead she has to race up them in a blind panic as she's convinced "something" is about to grab her ankles :/
A friend of mine is firmly convinced that people and the sea should never, under *any* circumstances, have anything to do with each other...people belong on land, and the "things" in the sea belong there. Why? Mainly because of the, as he puts it, "things that should not be!" inhabiting the he sees it any environment that contains giant agile monsters more terrifying than any imagined denizen of hell is a place best avoided...and I must admit i'm inclined to agree with him on this one.
And then we get to me of course

See? Entertaining ^_^
thank you for the advice! yeah, after some consideration i think i've at least decided to go for black...
Maybe it was Rich Girls that put me in a self-destructive mode.