I have never tried Sushi...which, as someone who adores everything Japanese so utterly, seems quite odd. It's not that I haven't had the chance or anything, there's actually a really good Japanese restaurant in Cambridge, but whenever I go I always stick to Ramen or something, why not Sushi? Simple; I fucking *hate* fish!
And I mean HATE, i'm a notoriously picky eater at the best of times (some say picky...I say I have standards
) and stay well away from anything I don't like, but fish, and seafood in general come to think of it, is a complete no-no from the outset...and RAW fish?!? Are you fucking kidding!
However never let it be said that I resist something without at least giving it a chance...so last night my Sushi embargo was lifted and I gave it a try...and what did I think? Well, after sampling 3 or 4 different things I came to the sage conclusion that it tastes like raw fish and vegetables...why in god's name anyone would actually want to eat this foul affront to my delicate taste I have no idea? :/ I know one thing for sure though...I certainly won't be having it again
On a slightly different note I watched Howl's Moving Castle last night...now THAT was a Japanese export I found considerably more palatable (oooooo see what I did there? eh? eh?)...as with all of Miyazaki-san's movies it is an absolute joy to watch; art, animation, sound, story, voiceovers are all perfection...if Hollywood showed this much craftsmanship in movies instead of churning out generic multiplex fodder then people might start going to see them again
And I mean HATE, i'm a notoriously picky eater at the best of times (some say picky...I say I have standards

However never let it be said that I resist something without at least giving it a chance...so last night my Sushi embargo was lifted and I gave it a try...and what did I think? Well, after sampling 3 or 4 different things I came to the sage conclusion that it tastes like raw fish and vegetables...why in god's name anyone would actually want to eat this foul affront to my delicate taste I have no idea? :/ I know one thing for sure though...I certainly won't be having it again

On a slightly different note I watched Howl's Moving Castle last night...now THAT was a Japanese export I found considerably more palatable (oooooo see what I did there? eh? eh?)...as with all of Miyazaki-san's movies it is an absolute joy to watch; art, animation, sound, story, voiceovers are all perfection...if Hollywood showed this much craftsmanship in movies instead of churning out generic multiplex fodder then people might start going to see them again

tried it for the first time last month
And I got in! Lucky me eh.
p.s try vegetarian sushi, its a cheats way, thats what i eat and its amazing, and super good for you