Went to see Faithless last night in Birmingham and, happily, it was *far* better than I thought it would be. After a run of disappointments whenever i've been to gigs recently (oh, except Tenacious D, they were amazing too) I wasn't sure how much I was going to enjoy this - it's never a good sign when, on trying to think what tunes are your...
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Woot! After the annoyance of missing out on tickets to see The Police when they first went on sale (because I was foolish enough not to be ready and waiting to buy at 9am and lost out to all those damn people who sell the tickets on ebay at a massive markup -___-) I managed to get some for the new dates this morning ^__^...
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Kyaaa! So long since my last post :/ usual excuse - work! I am back now though so will be posting with frequency again ^^ does anyone care? Aha, now that is a different matter entirely 

On the way into work today I saw a van for a company specialising in 'elevators and escalators', the company name was Schindler. Surely they're missing a trick by not calling themselves Shindler's Lifts?
hahaha......very good

Harumph! Still feel crap after new year, surely 3 days after the fact is punishment enough non? *sigh* this must be what it's like to get old, all downhill from here etc etc. There are benefits though, after all I prefer to look on myself as 'experienced' rather than old.
Still easing my way slowly back into this place - a bit of posting here...
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Still easing my way slowly back into this place - a bit of posting here...
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That was actually TheQuestion's hat, which I briefly hijacked for the photo. Unfortunately it was stolen a couple of weeks later, bless him.
I'm sorry to hear that some people were less than pleasant to you before; I had no idea. Rags is, as always on the mark though. Have a lovely 2007.
I'm sorry to hear that some people were less than pleasant to you before; I had no idea. Rags is, as always on the mark though. Have a lovely 2007.

Ooooooo new post! I'm back - sort of, and what have the many months away involved? It has been a variegated old time indeed, there was much work, holidays, new snowboards, quitting WoW, relapsing and starting WoW again, breakups, parties etc etc etc. All very turbulent. Hey-ho, here's hoping for a modicum of stability in the new year non?
Hello, welcome back! People seem to be returning en masse this month, it must be the sociable time of year.
I hope you're well.

I hope you're well.
hey, glad you've returned from AWOLness - I was guilty of the same thing. have a great 2007

Christ it's been ages since I posted on here, mainly because i've been incredibly busy but also because i'm beginning to tire of the whole SG thing now, i'm a fickle sort and distractions "of the moment" like this can only hope to sway my attention for so long - irrespective of how many naked chicks there are!
Feh, anyway - atsui desu ne.
Feh, anyway - atsui desu ne.
zzzZZZZZzzzzZZZZZzzzzzzZZZZZZZ *snork* zzzZZZZzzzzZZZZZ etc
Teh fun:
Hardware Store
Ultimate Showdown
Teh fun:
Hardware Store
Ultimate Showdown
Went to Hyde Park on Saturday to see the Foo Fighters and pals, had a good day despite it being turned into a huge hassle by the people we (me and gf) were bending over backwards to help get tickets (we have now vowed to never again try to sort tickets out for people, no-one ever appreciates the amount of hassle you go to and...
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I have found something new and wonderful to lust over...i'll be absolutely *convinced* I want one for about the next week or so, then i'll move on to something newer - feh, consistency is just a rebadged version of stagnation
Lookee lookee *sigh* isn't it just dreamy ^_^

Lookee lookee *sigh* isn't it just dreamy ^_^