New Life Starts Today (Still missing him like crazy though... I love him to much for this to be happening )
I want to be rich and I want lots of money
I don't care about clever I don't care about funny
I want loads of clothes and fuckloads of diamonds
I heard people die while they are trying to find them
Inspired by that tour with Gwen much? I still like it though.. just funny
If I'm a bad person,
You don't like me.
I guess I'll go,
Make my own way.
It's a circle,
A mean cycle.
I can't excite you anymore.
Where's your gavel, your jury?
What's my offense this time?
You're not a judge but if you're gonna judge me,
Well sentence me... Read More
Books.... I don't know where I stand on them... I read a lot.. mostly buying used copies on Amazon or i use book mooch frequently... The thing is i feel jipped on book mooch as I add in new titles, I feel i only have old ones to pick from. Once I read something, unless it was a reference book, I don't see myself reaching... Read More
The pain has died down some but its not great. Feeling a little bit off today... hopefully I feel better soon. I have a flight home at one and already hate flying as is!
I like this song... and video.... I feel kinda like Bella lately... Torn... and running around with Jake wanting "edward" to just come back and fix things and stop me from doing something stupid.
It'll be better soon. We all go through the things we go through for different reasons. It's just important to remember that it will only make you stronger in the end...
So weird to scroll to the "m" in my phone and his number doesn't show up anymore....
Not really ready to move on but he doesn't seem to care either way so I guess it's the way it has to be.
Thats actually a huge! step... It took me forever to delete my ex's number from my phone... But after I finally did.... I was so pissed at myself for actually remembering her number, so when I was drunk and lonely I would text her....But after a while you forget... just takes time.....
it's human to want to be loved back, but eventually there should be an effort to overcome that feeling and move on. it is not easy, it takes a lot, but it has to be done. people have the right to love who they want. hope you feel better.
it's natural...I had an ex, she cheated on me, lied to me, hell gave me a STD because she was fucking around on me and if she called after she left I woudl have taken her back. Wait until the "spell" is broke and things will be better.