We drove out to the waterfall and hiked the trail down but turned around. A crew of mountain bikers was there hogging the ledges and cannon balling. We had skinny-dipping on minds sort of indifferently and no suits anyway. So we stopped in at the little town, the sandwich place. Indifferent counter help. My so called girlfriend these troubled weeks got us sweet stuff. Organic. No taste. And we sat. Two through-hikers came in after awhile and we're doing a turnaround when I said hey we can give you guys a ride up to the trail head. They were beaten down. Happy though. He had done the PCT solo last year next year was going to do the new one that goes up from new Mexico through Colorado and to wherever. So put there backs in the way back and through stuff off the middle seat for them. They were unshowered for awhile I know my girlfriend noticed most. But you know what I mean, here was the energy to save us. Those little breaks of spontaneity you know that will often work their magic. So we drove em up 10 miles and it was the best I felt in weeks. Details about all the hiking. She vegan gluten free but not religious sounding about it at all. He super lean and she too but curvy as well, which I suppose shouldn't even be mentioned. Anyway we got them there and I helped them or with there backs and no wistful hoping for names or nothing. But nice feeling. They had 15 miles til the next shelter. I said take good care and shook the guys hand and said sorry man for talking your ears off. We three laughed and I got back in the car. The whole time driving them there my girl said nothing. Then in the car I said I would do the PCT anyway. I change my life to do it! And my girl dragged her cigarette and said, why don't you do it then?
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