Summer night too hot to really cook but sleepless for days, troubled. I know that I am hungry. Know more than feel. Have you felt this way? Eating is key. Fry two eggs. Melt on them smoked Gouda or whatever cheese is there. Toast your bread. Pop the fucking yoke. But on top of the toasted bread. Grind on paper and add ketchup. If there is a can of baked beans, you have your side. magic will happen. There will be a cantaloupe that is sitting there that your girl said needed another day. It is sweet and juicy. There is your meal hot juicy and what....five minutes? And there is her bottle of iced tea. Brand new. So cold! So sweet! God bless this night to all who are sad. Things will be better. Let your hunger be satiated.
Now I'm Hungy at work Hahaa all night long until 6 am in brazil