just back from huge health food store lunch. all vegan. way too much of everything. salads, other things, 16 oz of ginger flavored kombucha. right this instant i could vomit. in fact, half thinking about it. honestly.
and there is so much snow. more than ever, things closed down. driving awful. called a friend who lives a little way away. we have been snow shoeing this winter. but she is sleepy sounding and on facebook. facebook! is there anything sadder than facebook? anything sadder in terms of wasting a free afternoon with? anything as fucking FALSE, as life-wasting??
yes--i appreciate the irony of what i am saying. but i will be out the door soon. outside doing..something. (i will, i am certain!!) and besides, this--SG-- is different. you get to be the hidden (maybe) version of who you really are. no pretense, no pretending.
say WE meet some day, having known each other only from here-- a coming together of secret selves. it just might be fine, you know? it would very likely be way better than fine. we would have only our walking around selves to feel out. what is real, already revealed.
and there is so much snow. more than ever, things closed down. driving awful. called a friend who lives a little way away. we have been snow shoeing this winter. but she is sleepy sounding and on facebook. facebook! is there anything sadder than facebook? anything sadder in terms of wasting a free afternoon with? anything as fucking FALSE, as life-wasting??
yes--i appreciate the irony of what i am saying. but i will be out the door soon. outside doing..something. (i will, i am certain!!) and besides, this--SG-- is different. you get to be the hidden (maybe) version of who you really are. no pretense, no pretending.
say WE meet some day, having known each other only from here-- a coming together of secret selves. it just might be fine, you know? it would very likely be way better than fine. we would have only our walking around selves to feel out. what is real, already revealed.
it is a shame Pixel has decided to move on.