...so here i am..@ my nephews poota n introducin him to the wonder that is SG..tho my sis isn't too hot on the idea as he's (only) 15...
we spend hours reminicicin about our teens n what we got up to in our day n we got up to far more shite than he is doin (n he's a real cool kid) so whats the harm?
Besides- he's not into tatts n that ...but somehow my sis thinks that this is all still an male dominated, female exploitation thang...
( but he knows that it's us men payin the cash n so the tables are turned).... I'm just showin him what's out there... n that I'm an old purv
Brains n beauty w an alternative to chav n high street is tonights lesson...it's all about educatuion- not rules n exams
we spend hours reminicicin about our teens n what we got up to in our day n we got up to far more shite than he is doin (n he's a real cool kid) so whats the harm?
Besides- he's not into tatts n that ...but somehow my sis thinks that this is all still an male dominated, female exploitation thang...

Brains n beauty w an alternative to chav n high street is tonights lesson...it's all about educatuion- not rules n exams
Off to an SG hook-up tonight. I just rang the pub and they said they'd put the footy on for me - Soccceroos v Iraq at 4, then there's footy at 6.30 and drinks til I fall over. Should be a good night!
My culinarity (?!!) may not've changed but I'm a lot more confident in my cookery, now. Should see me whip up a chook pasta. It's like I've been cookin all me life
Ing-er-land 1 - Nart Oilund 1, wodda ya reckon?! I bloody hope not but everyone's lookin at it as a done thing when you and I know the truth! Havin said that, I wouldn't be hugely surprised if Wayne (celebrity chav and nasty piece of work) Rooney gets a hatty or Gerrard scores a 30 yard belter