Alcohol, why do you do it
why do you keep beating me ?
You give some people a real good time
but you cause some untold misery.
...lyrics wailed by The Special AKA that I can't get out of my head as I writhe in hungover agony on my settee. The physical pain I can cope with n should feel better tomorrow but embarrassment n shame is a much more trickier thing.
For years (during some of my heaviest drinkin days) I couldn't match this mate who I went to visit drink for drink as he's nearly twice my weight- my best bein 23 pints n he was still knockin em back...10 years on n it's sad to realise that my common sense is still double fucked -both nights got underway after we'd hardly eaten a bite all day.
(oh yea..also lost my spankin new mobile/cell phone..grrr!)
...ho hum.
why do you keep beating me ?
You give some people a real good time
but you cause some untold misery.
...lyrics wailed by The Special AKA that I can't get out of my head as I writhe in hungover agony on my settee. The physical pain I can cope with n should feel better tomorrow but embarrassment n shame is a much more trickier thing.
For years (during some of my heaviest drinkin days) I couldn't match this mate who I went to visit drink for drink as he's nearly twice my weight- my best bein 23 pints n he was still knockin em back...10 years on n it's sad to realise that my common sense is still double fucked -both nights got underway after we'd hardly eaten a bite all day.
(oh yea..also lost my spankin new mobile/cell phone..grrr!)
...ho hum.

The mystery request thingy isn't such a mystery, really. Two people had made requests to be my friend, which is unusual in itself, but they didn't post anything in my journal. Like, "Hi", maybe? It's like two complete strangers have walked up to me in the street and said "Wanna be my friend?". I've just stared at them in amazement for a few seconds waiting for them to say something else. Then they've just walked off.
I can't imagine any SGs wanting to drape themselves over the bonnet of a Nissan Pulsar. Nice idea, though!