Fox huntin is now banned
...bleedin heart liberals have finally succeeded in giving some o the toffee nosed cunts around here a small sniffter o thier own medicine i.e. havin their lives, livelihoods n communities fucked w/ dictated to by 'outsiders' - revenge 4 them votin in that septic hag Thatcher et al... the re-introduction of public humilliation for those who choose to wear leopard/tiger print clothing or excessive use o the colour pink methinks.
On a lighter note but still thinkin of the countryside..(ish)- I'm off to Cornwall this weekend..hee!.. Been invited to a 60th b'day knees up in Newquay. Mr Parsons (snr) is no regular oldun n things are bound to be eventfull.
Snow n that is forcast but we hardly need any more reason to stay in the boozer than we already have.. I'v a sneakin suspicion that work on monday is highly unlikely- infact anyone wanting me to fix anything will hav more chance o wankin the Pope off... Tamar Fever see, i get it every time.
...bleedin heart liberals have finally succeeded in giving some o the toffee nosed cunts around here a small sniffter o thier own medicine i.e. havin their lives, livelihoods n communities fucked w/ dictated to by 'outsiders' - revenge 4 them votin in that septic hag Thatcher et al... the re-introduction of public humilliation for those who choose to wear leopard/tiger print clothing or excessive use o the colour pink methinks.
On a lighter note but still thinkin of the countryside..(ish)- I'm off to Cornwall this weekend..hee!.. Been invited to a 60th b'day knees up in Newquay. Mr Parsons (snr) is no regular oldun n things are bound to be eventfull.
Snow n that is forcast but we hardly need any more reason to stay in the boozer than we already have.. I'v a sneakin suspicion that work on monday is highly unlikely- infact anyone wanting me to fix anything will hav more chance o wankin the Pope off... Tamar Fever see, i get it every time.

Haha, I wouldn't really call Los Angeles the countryside, but whatever floats your boat! 

Thanks for your kind words.