Jaysus...Ol' Blighty is turning into a desert ! (in comparrison)..most of the grass has died- the green rolling hills are just..rolling hills. The huge conker trees (ok- horse chestnuts to you brainiacs) are wilted with their leaves shriveled n brown. Even in Jo-burg it rain when it's hot- n is greener than here. A shocker.
a taste of things to come methinks..n it's not goin...
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a taste of things to come methinks..n it's not goin...
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Sounds like Southern California all year 'round.
You might have to lose the thermals next!

...so here i am..@ my nephews poota n introducin him to the wonder that is SG..tho my sis isn't too hot on the idea as he's (only) 15...
we spend hours reminicicin about our teens n what we got up to in our day n we got up to far more shite than he is doin (n he's a real cool kid) so whats the...
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we spend hours reminicicin about our teens n what we got up to in our day n we got up to far more shite than he is doin (n he's a real cool kid) so whats the...
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Nice one, geezer! (What's "chav"?!) Tell yer sis it's all about female empowerment. Who isn't an old perv? Even youngsters are old pervs at heart 

Yep. I recognise them. Never sure wot ta call em before. Now I know. Cheers! Is it a hard ch or a soft like sh?! Gotta get the pronunciation right, ya know
Off to an SG hook-up tonight. I just rang the pub and they said they'd put the footy on for me - Soccceroos v Iraq at 4, then there's footy at 6.30 and drinks til I fall over. Should be a good night!
My culinarity (?!!) may not've changed but I'm a lot more confident in my cookery, now. Should see me whip up a chook pasta. It's like I've been cookin all me life
(Okay, I'm exaggeratin a little)
Ing-er-land 1 - Nart Oilund 1, wodda ya reckon?! I bloody hope not but everyone's lookin at it as a done thing when you and I know the truth! Havin said that, I wouldn't be hugely surprised if Wayne (celebrity chav and nasty piece of work) Rooney gets a hatty or Gerrard scores a 30 yard belter

Off to an SG hook-up tonight. I just rang the pub and they said they'd put the footy on for me - Soccceroos v Iraq at 4, then there's footy at 6.30 and drinks til I fall over. Should be a good night!
My culinarity (?!!) may not've changed but I'm a lot more confident in my cookery, now. Should see me whip up a chook pasta. It's like I've been cookin all me life

Ing-er-land 1 - Nart Oilund 1, wodda ya reckon?! I bloody hope not but everyone's lookin at it as a done thing when you and I know the truth! Havin said that, I wouldn't be hugely surprised if Wayne (celebrity chav and nasty piece of work) Rooney gets a hatty or Gerrard scores a 30 yard belter

Well another friday night in by m'self...sad?..possibly. However I'v now got me flat lookin n feelin v homely n double comfy ...the new tv kit is fookin ace too- got Quadrophenia openin tonights bill. A classic.
...but after another v long workin week I can't but help feel cheated somehow or missin out (as if)..tho another sat'day wasted on a mong-out hangover isn't an option...
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...but after another v long workin week I can't but help feel cheated somehow or missin out (as if)..tho another sat'day wasted on a mong-out hangover isn't an option...
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Grumble grumble bloody Pixies...

Good, wholesome, family fun
Had great weekend...not RnR by any stretch o the imagination.. but I laughed a lot w my family (mainly at my Mom- in a nice way, tho she is slightly nuts) n that to me is worth a lot. It took so many years to miss them when I left school/home n moved back to the UK... I really love havin'...
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Had great weekend...not RnR by any stretch o the imagination.. but I laughed a lot w my family (mainly at my Mom- in a nice way, tho she is slightly nuts) n that to me is worth a lot. It took so many years to miss them when I left school/home n moved back to the UK... I really love havin'...
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Thanks,your well meaning comfort means alot right now.x
I think your old lady'd be yellin at me if I was drivin in front of her, too. I drive like an old man most of the time; slow and steady. I got all the boy racer shit outta the system when I was a young whippersnapper! Now I just drive to get where I'm going in a cruisy, leisurely way. No stress, no dramas
Speaking of amour and trucks, not long ago, some dumb shmuck was caught red-handed, as it were. I think he's left, since! Don't worry, I save my lovin for my xbox. It's only a platonic relationship, though, you understand...
I have a sore head right now as I've just returned from a night on the piss. Therefore, I'm off to bed.
Ciao, dude.

Speaking of amour and trucks, not long ago, some dumb shmuck was caught red-handed, as it were. I think he's left, since! Don't worry, I save my lovin for my xbox. It's only a platonic relationship, though, you understand...
I have a sore head right now as I've just returned from a night on the piss. Therefore, I'm off to bed.
Ciao, dude.

Just Heard that Hunter S Thompson has popped his clogs.. when did this happen?
There's a hint of a possible suicide too??- some single word enigmatically typed on his typewriter.. sounds like somat he'd do (the word thing- not the harry carry).
Whichever..however... a sad loss but glad he stopped by
p.s Without knowin its my 34th b'day this weekend I've was told this...
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There's a hint of a possible suicide too??- some single word enigmatically typed on his typewriter.. sounds like somat he'd do (the word thing- not the harry carry).
Whichever..however... a sad loss but glad he stopped by

p.s Without knowin its my 34th b'day this weekend I've was told this...
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Hold yer horses, son! I haven't even started lookin at cars, yet! I'd like summat like that, tho. Nothin flash, cheap on fuel and parts, all the fruit n veg and NEW! Not long now and I'll have my Bach pad and new car
On the down side, I STILL haven't got lucky
Maybe I'm too much of a miserable, old git, nowadays and it's puttin them off!?
Have a squiz at this...

On the down side, I STILL haven't got lucky

Have a squiz at this...
Alcohol, why do you do it
why do you keep beating me ?
You give some people a real good time
but you cause some untold misery.
...lyrics wailed by The Special AKA that I can't get out of my head as I writhe in hungover agony on my settee. The physical pain I can cope with n should feel better tomorrow but embarrassment n...
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why do you keep beating me ?
You give some people a real good time
but you cause some untold misery.
...lyrics wailed by The Special AKA that I can't get out of my head as I writhe in hungover agony on my settee. The physical pain I can cope with n should feel better tomorrow but embarrassment n...
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I do have a habit of trying to laugh maniacally when down. It does work. I, too, would have eaten cat food rather that watch the Hollywood bullocks. But the people I was watching with only had dogs...
Well, I had to ask, didn't I?! But, you're right. Some thing's are best left unsaid. (You could always email it to me!!)
The mystery request thingy isn't such a mystery, really. Two people had made requests to be my friend, which is unusual in itself, but they didn't post anything in my journal. Like, "Hi", maybe? It's like two complete strangers have walked up to me in the street and said "Wanna be my friend?". I've just stared at them in amazement for a few seconds waiting for them to say something else. Then they've just walked off.
I can't imagine any SGs wanting to drape themselves over the bonnet of a Nissan Pulsar. Nice idea, though!

The mystery request thingy isn't such a mystery, really. Two people had made requests to be my friend, which is unusual in itself, but they didn't post anything in my journal. Like, "Hi", maybe? It's like two complete strangers have walked up to me in the street and said "Wanna be my friend?". I've just stared at them in amazement for a few seconds waiting for them to say something else. Then they've just walked off.

I can't imagine any SGs wanting to drape themselves over the bonnet of a Nissan Pulsar. Nice idea, though!

Fox huntin is now banned
...bleedin heart liberals have finally succeeded in giving some o the toffee nosed cunts around here a small sniffter o thier own medicine i.e. havin their lives, livelihoods n communities fucked w/ dictated to by 'outsiders' - revenge 4 them votin in that septic hag Thatcher et al... hmm..next the re-introduction of public humilliation for those who choose to wear...
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...bleedin heart liberals have finally succeeded in giving some o the toffee nosed cunts around here a small sniffter o thier own medicine i.e. havin their lives, livelihoods n communities fucked w/ dictated to by 'outsiders' - revenge 4 them votin in that septic hag Thatcher et al... hmm..next the re-introduction of public humilliation for those who choose to wear...
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Haha, I wouldn't really call Los Angeles the countryside, but whatever floats your boat! 

Thanks for your kind words.

On failing to procure a Filipino Bok Spring Hog from my local BushMeat butcher (..if I'd wanted a Chimpanzee hand or Hippo' tail I'd be smiling) I was at a bit o a loss as to what to do w my saturday...
I eventually went for a walk round the park across the road where I then had the thought to help mself to 1...
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I eventually went for a walk round the park across the road where I then had the thought to help mself to 1...
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Fucken blue-nose cnts! Man, I started to watch it on Fox last night at about 11pm thinking that it'd be worth losing the sleep to see the Reds play live again for the first time in years... After the second goal I turned it off and slowly fell into a deeply troubled sleep... Bastards were all over us like a virus. AIDS, probably. Almost as annoying is that Heskey is playing better than he ever did at Anfield, fucker. Oh well.
I remember the green peppercorns, now! I think you did put some brandy in, too, but wouldn't swear on it :|
More fool the man for just saying 'Millwall'. I mean, seriously, the team itself aint that bad but the supporters are a bunch of thugs. What did he expect? Shoulda said he was from South Norwood or somewhere equally as innocuous. Does anyone actually hate Palace yet? What exactly is a 'headhunter'? Neo-Nazi? In that case, maybe he was asking for it?!

Fucken blue-nose cnts! Man, I started to watch it on Fox last night at about 11pm thinking that it'd be worth losing the sleep to see the Reds play live again for the first time in years... After the second goal I turned it off and slowly fell into a deeply troubled sleep... Bastards were all over us like a virus. AIDS, probably. Almost as annoying is that Heskey is playing better than he ever did at Anfield, fucker. Oh well.
I remember the green peppercorns, now! I think you did put some brandy in, too, but wouldn't swear on it :|
More fool the man for just saying 'Millwall'. I mean, seriously, the team itself aint that bad but the supporters are a bunch of thugs. What did he expect? Shoulda said he was from South Norwood or somewhere equally as innocuous. Does anyone actually hate Palace yet? What exactly is a 'headhunter'? Neo-Nazi? In that case, maybe he was asking for it?!

ty for the set comment! Ironically enough, I just shot a new set last night and just sent it in a couple hours ago. 

It's Friday evening..got nowt planned..
.. but listening to to Tom Waits (at full volume) in me van all day has made me want to spend tomorrow cookin up a Filipino Bok Spring Hog.
... yeow, I can almost smell it !
.. but listening to to Tom Waits (at full volume) in me van all day has made me want to spend tomorrow cookin up a Filipino Bok Spring Hog.
... yeow, I can almost smell it !
Haaaaaa hahaha! No, matey, that was Carly, an old barmaid at the Monkey Bar. A wanna-be-but-too-gutless SG, sadly. She was gorgeous. Good tatt, too.

I like Elvis but not that much! I don't really fancy the idea of someone else's face staring out from my body. Mine's bad enough.
The inquisition is just another of those questionnaires that do the rounds now and then. I occasionally get the urge to fill em out and I thought I'd stick it in for others to peruse and do themselves.
Go Nando! (Morientes, that is!) Go Villa, too! Well, at least they're above the BluenoseScum now!
The inquisition is just another of those questionnaires that do the rounds now and then. I occasionally get the urge to fill em out and I thought I'd stick it in for others to peruse and do themselves.
Go Nando! (Morientes, that is!) Go Villa, too! Well, at least they're above the BluenoseScum now!

laughingsnake got me membership to SG .. mate- u r a fkin star (n i'm truely flattered u rate me as a fav' artist n esp alongside Banksy)..but how've i time to filll out a journal when there r so many sexy girls..women..to see n read ?? ..jaysus..
Saw The Pixies @ V festival...flawless, brilliant n amazing- wish i was better for wear tho..
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Saw The Pixies @ V festival...flawless, brilliant n amazing- wish i was better for wear tho..
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You gentlemen cheered me up.

...and about bladdy time, boyo. Jockland sounds like the place to be, the noo. I know I shoulda done some more explorin of t' mootherlarnd when I were there. 24hr opening... bejaysus, the country'll grind to a halt. You'll all have to learn to marathon drink instead of sprint drinking like you do, now. "Half an hour til closing? Time for 3 more pints, then." Captain Acrotech, I'd like to see that! I can just imagine you with yer grundies outside yer spandex tights, muscle shirt with a pic of a greasy hob onnit n a zorro mask. Most appealing.
Not sure I get yer drift about the revved up roo smasher?? I wouldn't say I'm loaded, either. When I can pay cash for a mansion in the Bahamas, that's when I'll say I'm loaded! Not gettin anything special. Just a small runaround town car. I couldn't care less about flash cars, to be honest. As long as it's cheap to run, comfy, has good aircon and a top stereo I'm happy.
I love the taunts the Blades fans sang to Villa (sorry!) 'Are you Wednesday in disguise' and 'Can we play you every week'. I'm sure the Burnley fans were singing the same or similar but I didn't hear about it. Yeah, you've probably heard all that millions of times before but I only did a few years ago and it still makes me laugh.
L8rs, yerself. I'm off to play FIFA2004 on me xbox. Liverpool just thrashed Bolton 11-0 at the Reebok. If only...
Not sure I get yer drift about the revved up roo smasher?? I wouldn't say I'm loaded, either. When I can pay cash for a mansion in the Bahamas, that's when I'll say I'm loaded! Not gettin anything special. Just a small runaround town car. I couldn't care less about flash cars, to be honest. As long as it's cheap to run, comfy, has good aircon and a top stereo I'm happy.
I love the taunts the Blades fans sang to Villa (sorry!) 'Are you Wednesday in disguise' and 'Can we play you every week'. I'm sure the Burnley fans were singing the same or similar but I didn't hear about it. Yeah, you've probably heard all that millions of times before but I only did a few years ago and it still makes me laugh.
L8rs, yerself. I'm off to play FIFA2004 on me xbox. Liverpool just thrashed Bolton 11-0 at the Reebok. If only...