just to let you know.
i'm alive
life is almost good
i haven't killed myself
and i can't really use this site at work, which is the only place i go online outside of final fantasy XI
my girlfriend and i are acting like we're married... which means we're not having sex, touching, or really even talking anymore.
i enjoy work so far, i've met...
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i'm alive
life is almost good
i haven't killed myself
and i can't really use this site at work, which is the only place i go online outside of final fantasy XI
my girlfriend and i are acting like we're married... which means we're not having sex, touching, or really even talking anymore.
i enjoy work so far, i've met...
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woah, i didn't think my faux-cry for pity would cause people to actually leave me notes. i'm sorry if you felt forced into dropping me a line, i was just joking... except for the life is a living hell thing. i get the feeling it's kinda universalfor for a lot of us then huh?
well, vegas sucks, my roomates sucks, having negative money and no...
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well, vegas sucks, my roomates sucks, having negative money and no...
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You ok dude, how the hell are you?
so i went over my sisters house to get a haircut on monday and she asked me if you had died. i was like no. and apparently the girls told her you died in a car accident. and i said no that didn't happen...but you haven't been here in so long i have to wonder if someone didn't tell me something.

i'm highly offended that no one loved me enough to leave me lots and lots of messages while i was away.
shame on all of you, iron your hands!
my life is a living hell.... and i mean that in a very very true manner
tofu "
shame on all of you, iron your hands!
my life is a living hell.... and i mean that in a very very true manner
tofu "

.....I emailed you....
Im sorry... ive had... issue to deal with... but here me dancing virtually in ur journal
*does that dance of a thousand apologise*
*does that dance of a thousand apologise*
tofu is not going to drink another irish carbomb for a long... long... long... long time.
when the announcement of $4 irish carbombs was made, i didn't expect to spend 24 bucks.
in other news, guess what... this is my last day of work. it's strictly packing and cleaning shit for the next week, go us. so 7 days from now i'm not gonna be...
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when the announcement of $4 irish carbombs was made, i didn't expect to spend 24 bucks.

in other news, guess what... this is my last day of work. it's strictly packing and cleaning shit for the next week, go us. so 7 days from now i'm not gonna be...
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my hopes that you soon find a library or internet cafe so that you can talk to me
and youll have to tell me what up and moving to a new place where the only person you know is your love is.
i mean when i lived with you it was also with your parents so that wasnt scary...
but next year ill be all on my own
im a lil nervous but really excited too.
and ill be shocked to get a birthday present from you
is it a moogle?

and youll have to tell me what up and moving to a new place where the only person you know is your love is.
i mean when i lived with you it was also with your parents so that wasnt scary...
but next year ill be all on my own

and ill be shocked to get a birthday present from you
is it a moogle?

I heard rumors Silent Hill 4 comes out this month.. but I am unsure... I am definitly getting that game... I have seen the demo and dude... wtf.. that is some fucked up shit.

i'm so fuggin bored
tofu "
tofu "

thanks for the well wishes

ah back to the sweet ole grind that is the beginning of a week and a half of pure insanity.
i have so much shit to do it's driving me batty.
i just cancled all my services (cable, internet, phone, power) and paid rent at my current place for the last time. we barely started official packing last night, but we have a load of...
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i have so much shit to do it's driving me batty.
i just cancled all my services (cable, internet, phone, power) and paid rent at my current place for the last time. we barely started official packing last night, but we have a load of...
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Buuuuuut you're going to miss me, right?
So its off to Vegas?
All the best of luck.
At least you get to sort your shit out.
All the best of luck.
At least you get to sort your shit out.

the ordeal that is getting my apartment is OVER!!!!!!!!!
why ordeal you ask? well, for starters, we went to vegas sunday night after a whole day full of drama and not doing much.
so we get on the road at almost midnight, when we meant to leave by 9:30, we get to kat's aunt's condo where we normally stay, and after a big debacle...
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the ordeal that is getting my apartment is OVER!!!!!!!!!
why ordeal you ask? well, for starters, we went to vegas sunday night after a whole day full of drama and not doing much.
so we get on the road at almost midnight, when we meant to leave by 9:30, we get to kat's aunt's condo where we normally stay, and after a big debacle...
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My philosophy is... if it tastes good, eat it


Mate, vegans do my head in too because as you say they end up eating stuff they can`t eat anyway.
My girl is almost a vegitarian, or has been and only eats white meat, but she has cooked a few dishes for vegan`s coming over, so I know all about their needs.
Cool about the apartment. You moving to vegas?
Welcome back to the real word, trading and crafting and fishing and hunting makes Tofu a dull boy!
All the best
My girl is almost a vegitarian, or has been and only eats white meat, but she has cooked a few dishes for vegan`s coming over, so I know all about their needs.
Cool about the apartment. You moving to vegas?
Welcome back to the real word, trading and crafting and fishing and hunting makes Tofu a dull boy!
All the best
today's my going away party, even though it's 2 weeks exactly till my move date.
9-11-2004... team bitch goes to vegas.
9-15-2004... Uber LS goes to vegas
speaking of my LS... i quit playing final fantasy XI a couple nights ago... Tofubot is dead
tofu "
9-11-2004... team bitch goes to vegas.
9-15-2004... Uber LS goes to vegas
speaking of my LS... i quit playing final fantasy XI a couple nights ago... Tofubot is dead

tofu "

I still haven't played Final Fantasy X-2 yet. Ugh!!! I really need to get around to doing that.. but with school and work.. and lack of money at the moment... it's proven to be quite the challenge.

I had to stop playin that game, the endless leveling was boring and the whole thing more time consuming than ever. Don`t get me wrong, I loved the game in lots of ways but over all there wasn`t enough pay off.
Why did you stop playin?
Why did you stop playin?
i'm happy i'm feeling glad
i got sunshine in a bag
i'm useless but not for long
the future is coming on
tofu "
i got sunshine in a bag
i'm useless but not for long
the future is coming on
tofu "

Hello. REF FF7 the truth.
I love rpg, and I keep hearing about that one. I`ve played:
ffx loved it
ffx2 not bad
ff11 (mmorg thing, didn`t like it)
fftactic on gameboy - fav game ever i think.
Is there anything I should play that I`ve missed?
You seem cool anyways, much in common.
hero of hyrule, Thief/ Ranger
Tolkien, Gaiman
psychadelic drugs
fight club,star wars, empire strikes back, return of the jedi, spiderman 2, xmen,
when i snap out of my little world and realize that the real world is a fucking shithole
catch you later
I love rpg, and I keep hearing about that one. I`ve played:
ffx loved it
ffx2 not bad
ff11 (mmorg thing, didn`t like it)
fftactic on gameboy - fav game ever i think.
Is there anything I should play that I`ve missed?
You seem cool anyways, much in common.
hero of hyrule, Thief/ Ranger
Tolkien, Gaiman
psychadelic drugs
fight club,star wars, empire strikes back, return of the jedi, spiderman 2, xmen,
when i snap out of my little world and realize that the real world is a fucking shithole
catch you later
Ah thanks for the reply. Its late here and I`m real tired after a session of Fire Emblem. I will answer you properly tuesday probably, but like the sound of IYO the best, ff6. Got questions about the others
keep well

keep well
i finally added the pictures of my rats.
and a few pics in the oddz and ends and me pics
other than that... wellllllllll
we got the apartment for sure, on our own, without a co-signer. we just have to go down next weekend and pay for the place.
i'm just glad nothing's fucked.
it's a crying shame that we just found this really sweet...
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and a few pics in the oddz and ends and me pics
other than that... wellllllllll
we got the apartment for sure, on our own, without a co-signer. we just have to go down next weekend and pay for the place.
i'm just glad nothing's fucked.
it's a crying shame that we just found this really sweet...
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Glad everything worked out for you.

there's some program that my near father in-law installed on the work computer to act as some kind of web security device, and it somehow disabled all of my cookies. what's wierd is the program doesn't always start up when i turn on the computer.
i came to log onto the site and i see that i'm logged off, and i first thought "oh great,...
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i came to log onto the site and i see that i'm logged off, and i first thought "oh great,...
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I hope everything works out.

Ha, motherfucker, that's a sign that you're not supposed to move away!
i'm so tired
ive been exetremely tired lately. its either that or evans bed is way too comfy. i usually wake up when the alarm goes off and im all like ok evan you have to get up and lets get in the shower...but the past 2 days hes gotten up without me having to tell him to and ive stayed in bed and not gotten in the shower. i like sleeping in though. hehe.
i slept the best the other night just because one of my best friends crashed over that night. i wasnt attracted to her in any way, but maybe its a sign that my biological clock is ticking louder than normal... i should just post this on my page.
dude, get some sleep
dude, get some sleep
ps. in sad news, please call jon. dad has cancer.
pps. dude... jerk off already