For goodness sakes people. Grow up. Seriously. If your in your 40's and your posting bullshit on your social media network talking shit on someone you've unfriended, then your an idiot. Grow up and live in the real world. And if I have said something about you to another person, don't think that its not something I'd say to your face.
I am so sick and tired of the games people play. I don't need the drama, and i never need a person, thats for dam sure. At this point, words are words and words can suck my balls. They don't merit my time or effort. This is the last post ill ever post on this subject.
Not FTW or fml, fuck the people in the world who make it such a horrifying place.
I am so sick and tired of the games people play. I don't need the drama, and i never need a person, thats for dam sure. At this point, words are words and words can suck my balls. They don't merit my time or effort. This is the last post ill ever post on this subject.
Not FTW or fml, fuck the people in the world who make it such a horrifying place.

Well said.