The morning has come. Leaving me feeling less enthusiastic than I had hoped. I find myself constantly let down. Whether I let myself down or the inevitable let down of others. Honestly, there's not a lot of honesty these days. I'm trying new things and branching out trying to become more aggressively positive. It helps, but I realize I still cannot depend on it. There isn't anything to depend on these days as well. I know I depend on myself, and I am very hard on myself. I have also learned this past semester, thanks to the best college professor I've ever had, that I'm an extreme perfectionist, and that can possibly be a weakness. But it's also a strength, because it pushes me to strive towards entrepreneurial success everyday. These past few months I've have had a serious awakening. If I don't take the time to breath I will suffocate. So inhale, exhale, now on to the next task, goal, day, adventure.
I like this blog. Full of realism, but optimistic as well.

Amen to that.
Been one crazy crazy week. I love whats happening for me now. But damn, i'm tired.