Bloggy bloggy bloggster.
What's up SG-Land?
I got a sweet microphone stand for we can rock even HARDER!
Yeah, we're huge My bet is you have a bit of nerd in you as well
I'm thinking of getting voice, not for Rockband...I'm not THAT much of a nerd...I have vocal abilities, but I feel like I should be better. Jeff's uncle (and leader of his band) rants and raves about how good I sing, it's kind of embarrassing, especially because I feel like he's building me up too much. Maybe with voice lessons I can live up to all the hype...who knows?!
In other news, we have a busy busy month ahead of us. Every weekend in May is booked. And there's technically 5 weekends in May!! This weekend we will be hanging out with Jeff's family in Grass Valley to celebrate his sister's 27th birthday, and our neice's 8th birthday. Not to mention his Grandpa from Nevada will be there, and Jeff's parents will be leaving for a vacation in Arkansas soon...that should be fun, we always have a great time there.
The next weekend we will be up at the Lake to celebrate our friend, Mike's birthday. The weekend after THAT we'll be BACK up at the Lake to go to a housewarming party for some very good friends of ours, as well as I get to go to a jewelry party. The weekend after THAT I have to work one of my days off, and the next day is Jeff's friend's 30th birthday BBQ, then finally the last weekend in May Jeff has a show in Covelo of all places...
Whew. I'm tired just typing that!
I want purple hair, but I think the ladies I work with would all die of heart-attacks. They already don't get me...which is kind of fun, especially cuz I'm really not all that edgy or anything, but I'm the ONLY one in the ENTIRE office with tattoos...and they're almost always visable...
Anyway, I digress...Jay says I should give out advice, so you should all ask me for advice lol so I can give some....m'kay?
What's up SG-Land?
I got a sweet microphone stand for we can rock even HARDER!

Yeah, we're huge My bet is you have a bit of nerd in you as well

I'm thinking of getting voice, not for Rockband...I'm not THAT much of a nerd...I have vocal abilities, but I feel like I should be better. Jeff's uncle (and leader of his band) rants and raves about how good I sing, it's kind of embarrassing, especially because I feel like he's building me up too much. Maybe with voice lessons I can live up to all the hype...who knows?!
In other news, we have a busy busy month ahead of us. Every weekend in May is booked. And there's technically 5 weekends in May!! This weekend we will be hanging out with Jeff's family in Grass Valley to celebrate his sister's 27th birthday, and our neice's 8th birthday. Not to mention his Grandpa from Nevada will be there, and Jeff's parents will be leaving for a vacation in Arkansas soon...that should be fun, we always have a great time there.
The next weekend we will be up at the Lake to celebrate our friend, Mike's birthday. The weekend after THAT we'll be BACK up at the Lake to go to a housewarming party for some very good friends of ours, as well as I get to go to a jewelry party. The weekend after THAT I have to work one of my days off, and the next day is Jeff's friend's 30th birthday BBQ, then finally the last weekend in May Jeff has a show in Covelo of all places...
Whew. I'm tired just typing that!
I want purple hair, but I think the ladies I work with would all die of heart-attacks. They already don't get me...which is kind of fun, especially cuz I'm really not all that edgy or anything, but I'm the ONLY one in the ENTIRE office with tattoos...and they're almost always visable...
Anyway, I digress...Jay says I should give out advice, so you should all ask me for advice lol so I can give some....m'kay?

"you absolutely should...not only should you, you should twice. in fact, you should so should, that the very idea of how much you should would just blow your mind.
and really....shouldn't we all?"
do it!
I love love love purple hair!!!!