well I had an awesome weekend it all started at the three county fairgrounds in north hampton where I saw totally speechless then Jimmys chicken shack With special guest Aaron Lewis (Staind) then Local H it was an awesome show
the Miss Hog and Spit compititon was ok it was just 6 strippers competeing for a five hundred dollar prize. I knew who was gonna win from the first round of it No one believed me though it was the red head with the incredible tan and well you can figure out the rest I don't think I have to spell it out for you but for those of you that I do it was a great rack
personally I was pulling for the girl who came in second
she so deserved it more than the other on did. well from there I went to a jack and jill for my bosses cousin and his fiance. that was really good I knew everyone there and got so wasted that I forgot to leave on time to go to the comedy show I had tickets too oops
I think by the end of the night I was luck to remember my own name good thing I didn't have to drive home I probally wouldn't have made it thank god someone stayed sober enough to drive all of us drunks home
well have a good week everone

Yeah, I'd just have to beat you up if you tried to get me to come on a ride! lol! As if even!