well today was the straw that broke the camels back. I went home from work last night and left a few tools on my tool cart and someone helped themselves to $140.00 worth of tools. over the last 14 work days they have helped themselves to almost $800.00 in tools. I guess it's time to look for a new job I can't afford to work at my current one. I'm not making any money. It's like I'm working for free. Well I hope everone had a good week I know I didn't. So it's off to seek new employmet on Monday

As for a cure for insomnia...I haven't found anything yet. I think it's just a matter of quieting the voices inside to get some rest. Here's to a peaceful sleep for you.
OH, and let me know if there's any asses that need to be kicked--I'll be happy to run over with my paint-ball gun and shoot them up for you. Wow, I sound like a 14 year old boy, don't I?
have a great weekend, honey! Happy job hunting!
Hope everything gets better with work.