What a horrible last two days. for some reason unjnown to me my account wouldn't rebill don't ask me why it's only 18 bucks every three months I have plenty of credit avaliable. just for some reason the credit card co. kept declining it who knows all I know is now it's all straightened out thank god.

Thanks, things are LOTS better. I know what you mean about the heat. It's been nice here the last few days, but July-August in Indiana can be just unbearable. When I go for runs, sometimes I feel like instead of breathing, I'm drinking the air. Humidity. BLAH! But you know, I love that shower after sweating it up in the heat, so I'll keep running...
What's going on for you this weekend? Have a great time!!! If I get a chance to go riding, I'll think of ya!

Have a great weekend!