Well I'm finally home form the most miserable weekend in my life. It all started Friday(oops I meant saturday not friday) on my way to Cabaret night. We had a blow out on the MA pike just before Sturbridge so we limped off the Pike and tried to change the flat tire. Well atleast we had a jack NO FUCKING SPARE!!!!!!! so we went and found a gas station to see if we could buy a tire no luck there isn't much in Sturbridge as we found out the hard way. Well we got a room at the Hampton inn for what we thought was going to be just one night> Well that turned into a whole weekend we didn't leave there till Monday morning at almost 10:00 when we finally got a new tire on the truck and were on our way to Ozzfest we missed some of the opening bands but we did get there in time to see Slipnot, Black Label Society, a couple others I really don't remember the name of and then Slayer, Judas Priest and of course Black Sabbath the show was good. Much better than my weekend trip to see a show that I really wanted to see. I was sp looking forward to meeting some of the people that I talk to here. now this is twice my truck has let me down
when I really needed it to get me from point a to b oh well it was an expensive weekend but what could I do nobody was home for me to call to come pick me up and then I would have had to try to find a ride back to my truck when it was done anyway. So all I did was kick back and go with the flow
I hope this week is better thats all I can say

hi cutie how was your day? when do i get pic of you yes i'm still stuck in that