well yesterday wasn't as good as I was hoping for
went to the drag strip with a newish motor and came back with a broken truck
well I guess it could have been worse but all I did was break an axle and my drive shaft in 2 places
I probally would have done really good too my motor was just dynoed at 736 horse at 7800 rpms and damn it I cant find the sheet for the torque I seem to have missed placed it. this is not a good thing. I have the lifter setting wrote on it too
I hope i don't have to adjust my lifters anytime soon. Things seem to dissapear from my room like you wouldn't believe I think there is a paper monster that lives in my room. It only takes important papers and phone #s I can never call any one cuz I constantly loose #s I always have to run into people a couple times to get the # till I can remember it that is. Oh well it minght turn up in 6 months or so that seems to be the way it works or when I'm not looking for it. Either way right now it's MIA
Jesus did I mention Jebs is evil
You rock with your car wisom I think Im gonna call you thew Truck Yoda
I was able to get some testing done on my truck on Friday. The track conditions were absolute shit, I could not get traction to save my life. I had a really fun ride on the last run, almost hit the wall and the sand trap. But the truck itself is running like a beast. My father is holding onto my dyno sheet. Safe keeping.
Hope your Fourth of July was pleasant.