well yesterday wasn't as good as I was hoping for frown went to the drag strip with a newish motor and came back with a broken truck eeek well I guess it could have been worse but all I did was break an axle and my drive shaft in 2 places mad I probally would have done really good too my motor was just dynoed at 736 horse...
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have a Tammy Faye Friday! and a great weekend becareful and have fun!
Jesus did I mention Jebs is evil tongue
You rock with your car wisom I think Im gonna call you thew Truck Yoda
Damn that is a shitty day at the track. frown

I was able to get some testing done on my truck on Friday. The track conditions were absolute shit, I could not get traction to save my life. I had a really fun ride on the last run, almost hit the wall and the sand trap. But the truck itself is running like a beast. My father is holding onto my dyno sheet. Safe keeping. wink

Hope your Fourth of July was pleasant. smile
today was a good day I didn't do anything except we took our mother out to dinner for her birthday it was cool wink
No kidding!! And now I am carless until TUESDAY! How am I supposed to get to work? Or anywhere else for that matter!! eeek
Happy seamonkey thursday!
Well I had an absolutely miserable weekend mad I went and put a set of intake gaskets in a friends truck and then it wouldn't run and I get blamed and called all kinds of names and treated like dirt *KICKED IN THE MUD STOMPED ON* the thanks you get for trying to do a friend a favor. All because I don't carry my $70,000.00 tool...
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Haha! I used to put vaseline on my sisters doorknob and then cut paper grocery bags and tape 'em to the outside of her door so when she finally twisted the handle open she had to break through a wall of paper bag. She would get so mad at me and I always got in trouble for doing shit like that. biggrin
aww your so sweet
well today was the day to put a new clutch in the truck smile got it all done and put in a new set of lifters and a brand new carb right out of the box with some fine tuning of course now to go see what it does this wednesday. biggrin you dont get much these days for a grand frown oh well its just money you...
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Yeah, I hate working at that shit! But it does pay for the go fast parts that I love so much. Well, most of them anyway, my wonderful Dad pays for the rest.smile

Well, tomorrow I go work at the drag strip, but it most likely will be my last day. I just don't have the time to get mine out anymore. frown
You bring a Harley, and I'll definitely bring myself! Hope you had a great weekend, what did you do? wink
well darts went well we won for the first time this season I won 11 to 5 things are starting to look good for us in the league to bad theres only 1 week left till the playoffs though. but on the brighter side every team makes the playoffs wink
I found out that I waasnt as bad at darts as I thought I was origionally. All it took was a little bit of expert advice and I was ok at it afterall. I had always been one of those dart players that was happy as long as the dart made it to the board, lol! But now I kinda enjoy it smile
lol! Well not entirley... Niagra Falls is about... ohhh 3 provinces away.. so about a day and a half drive. So I guess I'm near there?! lol!!
Well tonight is Dart league night. I hope I do good tonite I'm stuck in last place right now as I had no partner for a couple of weeks and had to forfeit alot of games and points which really hurt. but now I'm back on track and kicking ass too so wish me good luck wink
No wheelie bars. 460HP to do a 6.08 when it takes Ray Price 850HP to do a 6.370.

Riiiiiiiight. whatever
No wheelie cars, 6.08, 460hp? I know of a bike that ran mid 6 with 850hp, and wheelie bars? Do you remember your 60ft?wink

I know the record setting Top Fuel bike ridden by Larry
"Spiderman" McBride ran 5.58 @ 240something mph, and he was pushing 1000hp. Damn talk about shitting your pants.

Oh I drive a 1988 Dodge Dakota at the track. I have pics posted in my pic section. biggrin
today we flexed the credit card! god I love credit cards till I get the bill that is frown but on a good note we ordered a new center force clutch from jegs it will be here friday I stoked I can't wait I fell just like a kid in a candy store looking through that catalog. I can't ever just buy what I need though...
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Jegs is evvvvvvvvvvvvvvil
Oh and guess whats playing friday night on TNT?
Yup.. Fuckin salems lot. Blah Now they will play the hell out of it like you said and do some stupid marathon. ick ick ick
i wont give them another 2 hours of my life over that crappy movie lol
With that happy Thusday!
What's jegs?
I can't have a credit card for that reason exactly.... I tend to spend too much money, so I would probably be broke in a matter of seconds!!!

And I don't think that's a good enough excuse... you should still come visit me! lol! biggrin
well today is monday I really hate mondays they suck big time. Monday means the weekend is over and now I must go back to work to make somone richer and me more painful especially when the end of the week comes and I get paid and it goes from my hand to someone elses. frown guess that why we all work though wink
OH really wanted...
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You can fix cars? Are you trying to steal my heart away? Something very very very...manly about a guy who gets all dirty fixing a car...

But, not having a ride to go see naked chicks...that's unacceptable! wink

Thanks for the compliment, by the way. biggrin
It's funny u say that. I live next to a mechanic who has a garage bigger then his house. He spends more time in his garage then he does at work, and his cars sound like crap most of the time. He has like 6 maybe more. Hope u can fix your clutch soon, that sucks.
well today is wednesday and I did tell everyone I'd give them the answer to this question today. the question was, in a study of retail spending done over the last two years it was found that women spend more on this retail item than men what is it? I must tell everyone that the ever so lovely stina got the correct answer it is...
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well, lol, ppl always get the impression that if you're a female, yu can use the persuasive powers of the femme to get whatever it is that u want. Like ... take SG benni, for instance. shes got a lot of work done, thousands of dollars worth of work, and ppl always come up to her and ask her if her BF is a tattoo artist! Like women neevr have to pay for their shit, lol!
Well theres THAT, and I always kinda figured more men would get them than women. Just because women tend to be .... uh ... nm, Im stopping right there. smile
Well I guess they don't want me back, so it's no big deal... now I have time to have fun, and go out during the day and such! WOOHOO! I'm very tempted to call labour board however....
well I heard the strangest question on the radio today lets hear some of your answers to it.....The radio dj asked this according to a recent study over the last couple years it has been determined that women have spent more than men on this retail item over the last couple years what is it?

P.S. still looking to give away an ozzfest ticket for...
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hahah loved your answers to my questions..
since it isnt pantyhose im going to say tampons tongue
ok ok.. I think I got it. I mean, I keep thinking its something that people assume men spend more money on.. but its a radio station.. so most the things people assume men spend money on are related to sex.. but they probably wouldnt put that on the radio right? so what else do you associate with men?
beer and power tools?
so.. it has to be tattoos...
Which most people assume men get a lot.. but in reality.. I tattoo almost twice as many women as men.
Well today was kind of interesting I tried to call a bunch of my friends and give them a free ticket to OZZFEST. You know I couldn't give the damn thing away no one wants to go to OZZFEST because it's on a monday. Come on people this is OZZFEST were talking about.
I will give you that manual transmission, are more fun due to the amount of shifting. Now as for one beating an automatic out of the whole, in all my years of drag racing (me actually driving a drag car about 8 years) I have yet to be beat out of the whole. You see while the manual can rev up the engine while holding the clutch in, but can't put it to the floor. With a transbrake, I can put it to the floor and when I release my magic button I am at full throttle and gone. And how far of a distance are we talking? My cars are set up for the quarter mile, so at the finish line the shift light is back on and well, that is the way it should be. wink

But this will be a debate forever, they both have their good and bad points. Personally I drive an automatic, because that is I what I like and know, but if I had to drive a manual I would. smile
I ended up having chicken for dinner! Heh. bok

I totally wish I could run away from work for a week. ::pout::

well today was pretty good I took my pet for a walk everybody gawked. Oh I guess I should tell you that my pet is a seven foot columbian red tail boa. Maybe thats wy people were gawking nah couldn't be. well I love the warmer weather and obviously so does my pet. eeek
Yeah when my friend saw what it was doing he took him off me right away - luckily he knows how to handle his snake smile
i love snakes!!