Thunder storm started halfway into my run last night. Whole sky lit up, thunder rolling for a whole minute. Was amazing, and between the light show and the rain (love running in the rain), what was gonna be a quick 20 minute run lasted an hour.

I think I'm really started to like it here. Or at least Ohio's springtime weather.
That sounds like an awesome run. The rain is awesome.

Have a great day! biggrin
So....I just had my first swimming lesson today. It was a lil bit humiliating/funny (being the 23 year old getting taught in the lane next to the mutant dolphin swim team kiddo's) but I had a shit load of fun. I really love being in the water, love the way it feels, and I don't have a phobia about it, I just never took the...
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Way to go dude. It is always good to have new experiences in life and doing things you want to do. smile
Well, the snowstorm has arrived. Plus side? It's beautiful out, the quiet, serene fluffy awesome that I love. Con? Can't make it in to the gym, the pool, or the pool tables.

No workout is making me antsy, too antsy to read, so I'm passing the day playing weboggle, watching reruns of 30 Rock, and cleaning neurotically. At this rate, I might get bored enough...
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YAY! Snow! biggrin

Have a great time trapped in the blizzard. smile
Five weeks into starting up new in Columbus, and I'm just now starting to feel settled in. Last box is unpacked (procrastinator extraordinaire), and for the first time in WAY too long, I have my own internets. Lot of big changes, and even more adjustments still to make. Getting back from deployment, separating the Air Force, and now going back to college in a new...
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Congrats on good change