i went home to oregon for a couple of weeks, hung out with old high school friends, partied at friends new houses and chillid at the park. I come back to work and have to take a piss test. I hate the way the Marines coordinate piss tests. You find out at 7 in the mornin that you have to piss in an hour so you start downing mad quantities of fluids and then when you get to the point of overfilling your bladder you either have to wait longer or relieve yourself and wait another half hour and drink more fluids. finalley after you piss in the cup you end up pissing all day every hour or so because you have to rid your bodey of all the fluids you over consumed. now thw week is half over and im waiting for the three day weekend. gonna go up to L.A and partie. You all have a good weekend and a nice easter

go ducks.
ducks are the shit, so is eugene, love to all who recognize this and represent with a passion