This guy came to my attention today.
His name is Franco B and he's a friend of a Rep I met today.
She's an amazing girl in her own right, but we got to talking about non work related stuff and she mentioned him.
From what it says on his site he's stopped performing in the same way for the time being but i found myself fascinated by my reactions to what she was saying about his performance art.
I was equally horrified, astounded and intrigued at what he did.
Simply, he would be naked, covered in white body paint, with catheters insered into his body so that as he walked up and down a catwalk covered with white fabric his blood would drip/run/spray? onto the whiteness and form patterns.
I felt as if I ought to be shocked and appalled and yet i wasn't really.
He is not being coerced.
He is not mentally incapacitated [ or at least, so far as I know he's not ]
So surely its up to him what he does with his own body?
And yet.....
I'm not sure if I could have gone and watched him perform.

His name is Franco B and he's a friend of a Rep I met today.
She's an amazing girl in her own right, but we got to talking about non work related stuff and she mentioned him.
From what it says on his site he's stopped performing in the same way for the time being but i found myself fascinated by my reactions to what she was saying about his performance art.
I was equally horrified, astounded and intrigued at what he did.
Simply, he would be naked, covered in white body paint, with catheters insered into his body so that as he walked up and down a catwalk covered with white fabric his blood would drip/run/spray? onto the whiteness and form patterns.
I felt as if I ought to be shocked and appalled and yet i wasn't really.
He is not being coerced.
He is not mentally incapacitated [ or at least, so far as I know he's not ]
So surely its up to him what he does with his own body?
And yet.....
I'm not sure if I could have gone and watched him perform.

Take care.