I should do another entry then huh
lets talk about friends then shall we, or rather 'supposed' friends .. so called friends. peopel are so fucking weird are they not? you give and you give and then when they dont need you any more its adios amigos!
let me explain dear reader ...
I had this 'friend', lets call her Spittle.. well Spittle had this girlfriend that dumped her and you could say that our Spittle didnt take it too well. Even less amused was she when the ex took up with a friend of theirs.
Now I hadnt heard a word from Spittle for a good 7 or 8 months, when I heard, from another mutual friend, of her plight. Me, being the lovely forgiving person I am told her to get in touch and that I was still there for her. so she gets back in touch and pours her heart out .. and out .. and out .. and out ....
.. for 10 whole months I am there almost daily listening and supporting and nodding in all the right places. she's getting dinner twice a week, she's practically a part of the family!!
Its draining, hard going, depressing .. but you do these things for your pals dont you?!
so, last june/july me and the kids get ourself a holiday to florida for a fortnight -yay! a break from Spittle! haha
On our return we find that she's got herself a new girlfriend! Excellent! Its just what she needs we all agree.
Now our regular wednesday dinner 'date' starts to get missed.. its down to every other week - I call off, then she calls off .. then .. nothing ... she falls off the face of the earth apparenty!? not a word .. for 3 months! she's happy .. all loved up - we leave her to it.
Come October, its my kids' birthday .. she texts out of the blue to say she is going to take them bowling. ok, thats lovely of you Spittle! Come the day and there is no word from her .. no call .. no text .. nothing. Eventually I hear from another friend that she's taken some other friend that just got dumped to the pictures to cheer her up! oh I see.. did she call later to explain .. apologise at all?? nope!
oh but I got a text at xmas that she sent to everyone ... so she cant imagine why I'm slightly miffed at her when we see each other at a pal's new years eve party!
Is it just me or is this totally unacceptable behaviour?!? cos she just cant seem to see it! Its nto just me she dropped either, its a couple of other people who were there for her constantly through her 'darkest hours'.
It makes your heart grow that bit colder each time shit like this happens.
I just wanted to get that all out there.
lets talk about friends then shall we, or rather 'supposed' friends .. so called friends. peopel are so fucking weird are they not? you give and you give and then when they dont need you any more its adios amigos!
let me explain dear reader ...
I had this 'friend', lets call her Spittle.. well Spittle had this girlfriend that dumped her and you could say that our Spittle didnt take it too well. Even less amused was she when the ex took up with a friend of theirs.
Now I hadnt heard a word from Spittle for a good 7 or 8 months, when I heard, from another mutual friend, of her plight. Me, being the lovely forgiving person I am told her to get in touch and that I was still there for her. so she gets back in touch and pours her heart out .. and out .. and out .. and out ....
.. for 10 whole months I am there almost daily listening and supporting and nodding in all the right places. she's getting dinner twice a week, she's practically a part of the family!!
Its draining, hard going, depressing .. but you do these things for your pals dont you?!
so, last june/july me and the kids get ourself a holiday to florida for a fortnight -yay! a break from Spittle! haha
On our return we find that she's got herself a new girlfriend! Excellent! Its just what she needs we all agree.
Now our regular wednesday dinner 'date' starts to get missed.. its down to every other week - I call off, then she calls off .. then .. nothing ... she falls off the face of the earth apparenty!? not a word .. for 3 months! she's happy .. all loved up - we leave her to it.
Come October, its my kids' birthday .. she texts out of the blue to say she is going to take them bowling. ok, thats lovely of you Spittle! Come the day and there is no word from her .. no call .. no text .. nothing. Eventually I hear from another friend that she's taken some other friend that just got dumped to the pictures to cheer her up! oh I see.. did she call later to explain .. apologise at all?? nope!
oh but I got a text at xmas that she sent to everyone ... so she cant imagine why I'm slightly miffed at her when we see each other at a pal's new years eve party!
Is it just me or is this totally unacceptable behaviour?!? cos she just cant seem to see it! Its nto just me she dropped either, its a couple of other people who were there for her constantly through her 'darkest hours'.
It makes your heart grow that bit colder each time shit like this happens.
I just wanted to get that all out there.
there's two types of people in this world. Givers. And takers. You are most definatly a giver. you give frienship, love, time and understanding. Your so called friend is a taker. she takes the friendship, love, time and understanding and uses it like a free gift, not caring that every relationship is a two way street. feelings and emotions must be shared. Basicly what i'm trying to say is - yes it is unacceptable behaviour if you are a moral type of person, but it is behaviour non the less, and not everyone shares the same set of values and thoughts. If it looks like a twat, smells like a twat and sounds like a twat, then chances are it is a twat. chalk it up to a learning experience and forget about it. It's not worth it. at the end of the day you are the better person and it will be recognised.