new tattoo by Noodles from Tomato Tattoo in Lisle, IL
the start of my old school sleeve

the start of my old school sleeve

That is cracking sweet! Is there some sort of meaning behind the anchor or did you get it cause it looked cool?
That's cool, I am the same way... Tho I only have the two tattoos right now, I am having my next one drawn out. Before I got my first I waited forever to find the perfect tattoo that has a big elaborate meaning behind it. After a while I figured I'm not gonna find one so I just got the NIN then SG. my next one is a topless mermaid and topless genie pulling and breaking a zipper on the back of my left leg showing my insides (muscle, bone, etc). And it has absolutely no meaning behind it. The only thing I do think bout is location. I wanna both legs filled first then I'll start on my upper body...