[long blog, and all over the place. so read what you'd like]
((added some stuff under upcoming... i forget easily))
SPOILERS! (Click to view) thank you all so much for the nice feedback. i really wasn't expecting that. so thank you.
you can still comment the album if you'd like
I'll see about new pictures at some point.
Of ramblings and ulcers
SPOILERS! (Click to view) I had the worst dream last night. My mind decided to play into my insecurities and it knows right were to get me.
It's irritating having your own worst enemy being your mind.
It's just weird to have and remember a dream too.
But I think I'll get on.
Weekend off
SPOILERS! (Click to view) This hardly ever happens. And I barely know what to do with myself. I'm thinking about getting some things for my room, putting together that CD for the CD exchange, reading, and I think some Final Fantasy XII.
But yesterday was a great day. A friend of mine, probably my oldest and best friend, came here from where he lives close to Iowa and we had a great day.
We went shopping at Woodfield... and I spent more money than I wanted. I officially have a panty and bra fetish. I can't walk into V.S. without buying something... especially during the semi-annual sale. He wouldn't come into the store with me though.
Then we went and saw Juno. Great movie. I dunno why I it took me so long to see it.
I took him past this one house in my area that is really what Christmas throwing up would look like. And it's all still up..
SPOILERS! (Click to view) Back to work.
CD Exchange party. I hope everyone likes some rockabilly.
saturday is a friend's birthday party. so have to go for a bit since he bought so many shots on my birthday.
My sister is leaving next Sunday, so I can finally fix my room.
On the 14th I have that overnight for inventory. It's going to be interesting. But I'll be able to go to the Blackhawks game hopefully.
also, more and more people i haven't seen in forever.gotta see them.
and on the 26th, last American Dropouts show.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)I'm finally back to reading. Currently reading Brave New World.
Then I just got
Mortified and I picked up
Straight Up and Dirty.
Who has suggestions on what else I should read?
I'm currently loving having my nose stuffed in a book.. Looks close to this
SPOILERS! (Click to view) I really liked spoilers...
Anyone ever heard of Northeastern IL? I've never heard of it, but it's accredited for Social Work and on the northern part of Chicago.
UIC seems awesome, but it seems that they are not offering a Bachelors program.
And so the hunt continues.
This blog is officially too long. Sorry and thanks for putting up with me.