anybody remember the game kid icarus for the nes. that is the best game ever made! i hope they make a gamecube version of it.(yeah i know i'm a dork.)
i almost forgot to pay the eletric bill this month. my roommate put the bill in a pile of rubish on the table and i forgot about it. i have until dec 10 to pay...
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i almost forgot to pay the eletric bill this month. my roommate put the bill in a pile of rubish on the table and i forgot about it. i have until dec 10 to pay...
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Yikes!!! Good luck with that bill! And congrats on graduating! Holding that piece of paper in your hand is the BEST goddamn feeling in the world. It really does make all of that stress and sleepness nights worth it. Are you coming back up this way for Christmas?

I thought Kid Icarus was the bomb-diggity shiznit, back in the day....but nothing, and I mean NOTHING, beats old school Ghosts & Goblins!!!