my friend got in a accident last night. he flipped his car 2 times. he wasn't hurt bad because he was wearing his seat belt. i'm glad he's ok.
i watched the woodstock directors cut today. it was awesome. sometimes i wish i was born in those days so i could of seen jimi live. it's crazy how fast the world has changed.
yep not much else going on. just working on my demo reel and that's it. i might make some turtle brownies this weekend. anybody want some?

i watched the woodstock directors cut today. it was awesome. sometimes i wish i was born in those days so i could of seen jimi live. it's crazy how fast the world has changed.
yep not much else going on. just working on my demo reel and that's it. i might make some turtle brownies this weekend. anybody want some?

I am addicted to them.....and I will probably eat them all and gain major weight.....dammit, why can't girls be fat in the music industry like guys can?!?!?! I mean, I am a size 5/6 and I would still be considered "fat" in mainstream media circles.....
I think a man-lingual is a GREAT idea, by the way.....