thanks to molly, i lived a playboy article, circa 1963 last night. there i was...sitting in the beautiful clubhouse of the Society of Illustrators (est 1901), sipping a cool cocktail, listening to hot jazz, surrounded by beautiful drawings and artwork on the walls, editing images of ms. molly crabapple from our shoot while she and another artist model were being sketched. eat your heart out mr. hefner.
i had so much fun - i may have to join the society just for the openings and parties! i had a 30 minute discussion with the artist who draws spiderman for the newspaper comic strip on why spidey is cooler than superman.
seen some great photography lately - mpphoto's gadget set is amazing and idjiit's recent concert shots are rocking as well. i swear sometimes i don't know what excites me more at SG: the girls, the photography or the coding...

seen some great photography lately - mpphoto's gadget set is amazing and idjiit's recent concert shots are rocking as well. i swear sometimes i don't know what excites me more at SG: the girls, the photography or the coding...

I'm eager to see some of your sets get up there...