long wicked week of work...brain still reeling from finishing a big project for a company that i am leaving...yay! down to only 2 jobs plus freelancing!
Slipknot rocked on monday, but Fear Factory was amazing, nice to see them back on the road and getting shit done.
going to see HIM tonight in a smallish venue - should be fun.
Saturday is Motorbrands Night at Ritual - Johnny from Type O, Acey from Murderdolls and Joey from The Fuzz will all be there and i will be shooting the May Calendar Girl Contest. if you see a tall, tattoo'd guy with a car shirt and a camera - make sure to say hi.
i did get a giggle out of
seaceeme's "mad face"
hope your week got better...
SGMC has been fun lately as well...still waiting for the Duck story, though.
Slipknot rocked on monday, but Fear Factory was amazing, nice to see them back on the road and getting shit done.
going to see HIM tonight in a smallish venue - should be fun.
Saturday is Motorbrands Night at Ritual - Johnny from Type O, Acey from Murderdolls and Joey from The Fuzz will all be there and i will be shooting the May Calendar Girl Contest. if you see a tall, tattoo'd guy with a car shirt and a camera - make sure to say hi.
i did get a giggle out of
seaceeme's "mad face"

SGMC has been fun lately as well...still waiting for the Duck story, though.
yes, i think they should take my menace seriously: i've been applying for a yamaha virago
jimmyjoe snark III
[Edited on Apr 16, 2004 12:24AM]