i have discovered that my pain threshold is waay higher than my IQ.
this fact has always been in the back of my head, but saturday - i think i proved it to the world. i was shooting in phiily at a nightclub with gidgette, came off a weird double step at the DJ booth badly and came down on my knee wrong.
how wrong? well, i had to shove my kneecap back into place while laying on the ground screaming...that was interesting. i'm sure the girls thought that i had impaled myself on something.
still managed to shoot the set and 2 setups after my fall. needless to say, the 2 hour drive home was interesting as well with my knee the size of a basketball and my jeans soaked from the bag of ice i had on it the entire way.
so here i sit, with a cane beside me, a big bag of ice on my knee and a 5pm doctor's appointment.
i guess all these years of skating, snowboarding and other painful sports have prepared me for this sort of thing.
well, i did have a pleasant surprise when my designer friend sent me this link: Flashfilm Magazine. all the shots but 3 are mine (the 2 of the blonde model against the yellow and blue seamless are by our very own kencredible)...so, yay!
quick shot of anne to pretty up this post...

this fact has always been in the back of my head, but saturday - i think i proved it to the world. i was shooting in phiily at a nightclub with gidgette, came off a weird double step at the DJ booth badly and came down on my knee wrong.
how wrong? well, i had to shove my kneecap back into place while laying on the ground screaming...that was interesting. i'm sure the girls thought that i had impaled myself on something.
still managed to shoot the set and 2 setups after my fall. needless to say, the 2 hour drive home was interesting as well with my knee the size of a basketball and my jeans soaked from the bag of ice i had on it the entire way.
so here i sit, with a cane beside me, a big bag of ice on my knee and a 5pm doctor's appointment.
i guess all these years of skating, snowboarding and other painful sports have prepared me for this sort of thing.

well, i did have a pleasant surprise when my designer friend sent me this link: Flashfilm Magazine. all the shots but 3 are mine (the 2 of the blonde model against the yellow and blue seamless are by our very own kencredible)...so, yay!
quick shot of anne to pretty up this post...

It was good to see you again at Catwalk tragedy! hope the knee is doing better!!
so im a few days off but happy birthday
i hope your knee isnt completely busted!