happy new year.
yeah, i suck at updating. i'll try to do a better one later.
thx to everyone who helped make 2006 a pretty dang fine year for teamrockstar.
you know who you are.
i am travelling a bunch already in 2007 - hit me up if i am in your town and you wanna shoot or drink...i like doing both.
Jan 12-14 - Austin, TX for the Star of Texas Tattoo Show
Jan 18-21 - Chicago. IL for tattoo appointment and shooting
Feb 2-4 - Philadelphia, PA for Philly Tattoo show and shooting
Feb 15 - New Hampshire - shooting!
Feb 16-18 - Boston - shooting!
Mar 16-18 - Los Angeles, CA for Wizard World
Jun 22-23 - salisbury, NC for Smoke Out Chopper show
make sure to stop by lizarose's page and see about buying prints to help with their midwife costs.

well...2nd year in a row having a set go up on jan 1...yay!
napalm's no-tell hotel set went up tonight.

quick facts about the set;
-shot in the No-Tell room at the farmer's daughter. it really does look like this...nice room, bit pricy at $180/night with shitty internet service. the room does have mirrors on the ceiling and behind the bed - needless to say, trying to keep reflections of me, the messy room, her boy and the lights out of them was a bitch involving me lying on the floor, the bar, etc. i'm sure it was quite amusing to watch.
- the set wasn't supposed to be 75 images long. after 3 edits and tearing my hair out over the amount of good shots, i gave up and sent all 75 over to alexis (who is one of my photoshop elves along with twwly) to do the final edit of about 55-60. she liked them all and prepped the whole dang thing...so enjoy the "director's cut" of the No Tell Hotel Set.
- we love napalm! she brought her own vodka, mixer and boy to hold the backlight! can't ask for much more. yay!
- for some reason, she decided that we needed to do the ice throwing part at least 5 times to "get it right"....i tend to think it was because she got to whip ice at my head!
yeah, i suck at updating. i'll try to do a better one later.
thx to everyone who helped make 2006 a pretty dang fine year for teamrockstar.
you know who you are.
i am travelling a bunch already in 2007 - hit me up if i am in your town and you wanna shoot or drink...i like doing both.
Jan 12-14 - Austin, TX for the Star of Texas Tattoo Show
Jan 18-21 - Chicago. IL for tattoo appointment and shooting
Feb 2-4 - Philadelphia, PA for Philly Tattoo show and shooting
Feb 15 - New Hampshire - shooting!
Feb 16-18 - Boston - shooting!
Mar 16-18 - Los Angeles, CA for Wizard World
Jun 22-23 - salisbury, NC for Smoke Out Chopper show

make sure to stop by lizarose's page and see about buying prints to help with their midwife costs.

well...2nd year in a row having a set go up on jan 1...yay!
napalm's no-tell hotel set went up tonight.

quick facts about the set;
-shot in the No-Tell room at the farmer's daughter. it really does look like this...nice room, bit pricy at $180/night with shitty internet service. the room does have mirrors on the ceiling and behind the bed - needless to say, trying to keep reflections of me, the messy room, her boy and the lights out of them was a bitch involving me lying on the floor, the bar, etc. i'm sure it was quite amusing to watch.
- the set wasn't supposed to be 75 images long. after 3 edits and tearing my hair out over the amount of good shots, i gave up and sent all 75 over to alexis (who is one of my photoshop elves along with twwly) to do the final edit of about 55-60. she liked them all and prepped the whole dang thing...so enjoy the "director's cut" of the No Tell Hotel Set.
- we love napalm! she brought her own vodka, mixer and boy to hold the backlight! can't ask for much more. yay!
- for some reason, she decided that we needed to do the ice throwing part at least 5 times to "get it right"....i tend to think it was because she got to whip ice at my head!
Welcome to SGPhilly!
i like yer work boss. keep it up and i'll teach you the dredi hind trikk. promise i do