I've been struggling with how I can find a happy medium between getting angry at ignorant people but not lashing out at them, as my first instinct is to do (I'm only human). It's not easy, especially since I've had a short fuse much of my life to begin with (not something I particularly like about myself) and because dumbass fuckery happens to me on a regular basis, both in real life and online. Oddly, I find it easier to confront people in real life about it (aggressively) because they usually get the point not to do it anymore once I'm aggressive enough about it. They fail to realize that I'm not your quiet, passive Asian stereotype until it's too late. (Like a woman at work a few days ago found out.)
Some people are genuinely misinformed, but some people choose to persist in their ignorance. And it's the latter that annoy me so much, because you want to tear them a new asshole but that's what they want you to do so they can have the pleasure of seeing you get angry.
Anyways, I think that the best way to educate people is often not to scream at them. People tend to be more receptive when you are polite or take the time to listen; I think I would be. But at the same time, what has being polite gotten us? If you're polite about it, people are like "GOD! I was just joking! Lighten up!" or something similar, and you're right back at square one. And if you're an asshole about it, people retreat into their shell of ignorance and defensiveness even more. Is there a way to win here? Despite my friend Colette's advice, I haven't found one yet.