Someone on Tumblr wrote this, and I liked it so much I'm going to post it here.
"if you ask me 'what kind of Asian are you?' or 'where are you really from?'
or bray that stupid 'CHING CHANG CHONG' gibberish in my face,
you're a platitudinous bitch and you can fuck right off.
i am American. my mom is Korean and my dad is Chinese, but i was born in Tacoma, Washington, US-fucking-A. i am so thoroughly American that i piss liquid freedom and shit copies of the Constitution.
if you're curious about my heritage, that's fine. i'm not ashamed of it at all: i cherish my family's culture. but if you straight up think that i'm an immigrant who washed in from the Orient based on the way i look, you're an ignorant fucker.
society has drawn too much from the Amy Tan outline of Asian American culture. many believe that we all belong to the Joy Luck Club and look up to westerners as our role models, which is absolutely inane. we're free-thinkers and dont need to grovel at their presumably superior way of life.
ugh so yeah. that's my rant."
Source: Middleclassminority
"if you ask me 'what kind of Asian are you?' or 'where are you really from?'
or bray that stupid 'CHING CHANG CHONG' gibberish in my face,
you're a platitudinous bitch and you can fuck right off.
i am American. my mom is Korean and my dad is Chinese, but i was born in Tacoma, Washington, US-fucking-A. i am so thoroughly American that i piss liquid freedom and shit copies of the Constitution.
if you're curious about my heritage, that's fine. i'm not ashamed of it at all: i cherish my family's culture. but if you straight up think that i'm an immigrant who washed in from the Orient based on the way i look, you're an ignorant fucker.
society has drawn too much from the Amy Tan outline of Asian American culture. many believe that we all belong to the Joy Luck Club and look up to westerners as our role models, which is absolutely inane. we're free-thinkers and dont need to grovel at their presumably superior way of life.
ugh so yeah. that's my rant."
Source: Middleclassminority