I had a dream this morning, but only remember one part. I was with a group of people, (I think some of the Avengers?), and we were escorting a "bad guy" through a warehouse or some type of industrial building during the day, and all of a sudden, he managed to get his handcuffs off and was about to attack us. Some of us thought, "Just shoot him in the head" and others were like, "No, we can't kill people. Captain America would not approve!"
...and then Captain America smashes through a wall and says, "Sorry I'm late to the party!" and throws a small oxygen or acetylene tank toward the guy and makes it blow up in his general direction, just meaning to knock out the guy, but he ended up completely blowing up the guy's head and said, "Well that definitely wasn't what I was going for. Crap." and then I woke up. xD
What a dream 😆
Haha. That one was nothing compared to what I usually have. I'll share another one later (it's about a zombie apocalypse!). :P