I just found this a few days ago! The first song is nice and chill, and the other songs are sort of like...disco? More upbeat. :)
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I had this dream a week or two ago, but still wanted to share it here.
If you've ever played Dead Rising 2, the best way I can describe these zombies is they are similar to the zombies toward the end of the game that mutate after inhaling that green gas. If you haven't played that game, these zombies are basically faster, more aggressive, and...
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It's been a while since I've posted here, but I've been dying to share this album with someone...anyone! It's a sort of pop, chill, electronic music album, and if you can manage to make it to the last song in the album (which I hope you do!), iamforest closes out the album wonderfully with that last song. This is best listened to on a nice...
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I heard a kitten meowing outside my window, so I went outside to investigate, and this super cuddly, friendly kitten came up to me and hasn't stopped purring since I found him. ❤️
If you've heard of Clozee (and like his music), but haven't heard of VOLO, go check him out! If you HAVEN'T heard of Clozee OR VOLO, you should go check out both of them. They've got some great music! Here's a song by VOLO:
I was driving home on my normal route, and I made it to the stop light at Buckingham & Jupiter (this intersection not too far from my house). The light turned green, and as I was noticing how unkempt the the car in front of me was, I realized they were going unreasonably slow. I looked at their license plate and saw they were from...
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I just finished watching The Outsider on Netflix, and I cannot think of a better Netflix Original that I have ever seen. I'll even go as far as to say it's one of the best movies I've ever seen. The cinematography, acting, plot, score (by Sune Martin), and character development were amazing. Words are so simple, though - just go watch it!